Happy Easter!

Apr 12, 2009 02:55

Hey, MY PEEPS. Get it? Cause it's EASTER. Almost. By the time this entry is done being written, it so WILL be. No matter WHAT the LJ time thing says. So, I bring the following matters to your attention.

1. I finished Chrono Trigger for the DS! *_* That's RIGHT. Lost Sanctum is a thing of the PAST. Until I get there again. -_-; But I will be so much more ready next time. Now I KNOW. I was excited that I still remembered my old killing Lavos strategy. It's just like riding a bike! So now I have New Game+ to look forward to. And the Dimensional Vortex. I hope that thing is better than the Lost Sanctum. Anyway, I kind of got teary eyed at the ending. As USUAL. I would like to thank my Nintendo DS for being so portable that I can play it in the car and at people's houses when I'm bored, making it possible for me to finish this game. Also, I'd like to thank my Very Friggin' Old Chrono Trigger Official Walkthrough (purchased in 1995! The sticker with the "$14.99" is still ON it and everything!) for being there to reassure me that "It's okay, sweetie, you didn't miss any items in the Black Omen and remember to Charm those Flyclops for extra Gold Studs! =D"

2. I found a thing of beauty...a program that automatically formats my references in APA format. No, not citation machine or those online ones that all give me different citations or are old or my teachers just don't want it because they hate us. Nope. A SCHOOL SANCTIONED one. Gotten through the school website and everything! The REAL DEAL. I am excited about this and hope it does not actually secretly suck. Because, DANG. I have to create the outline for our group presentation and everyone kind of cited things differently. I am so serious. There's 5 of us and only 2 of us used the same format. I think it will look weird if our References section has things cited all sorts of ways.

3. HAHAHA! See? I began writing this, like, at 11:42 PM and it is now 2:46 AM. Dang. That outline took forever but it is so DONE. SO. DONE. And I just realized there was a bunch of more stuff I could have put for my section but I already emailed our PowerPoint dude my stuff and he was like, "Naw, naw, guys, my birthday is Sunday so if you don't send me your crap by Friday night, it is DONE." So...I'll just wing it and be like "BY THE WAY. This information is not on the PowerPoint but did you know that ____?" And then maybe the teacher will be like "HUH. Ingrid is ever so informative! ^___^"or "*frown* Ingrid forgot to include important things in her section of the PowerPoint. She is irresponsible and cannot be trusted." But it's gonna be the former because I'm going to dress up SO NICE. And she's gonna forget all about THAT other stuff and instead be like "Oh, WOW. Where did you get that CUTE blouse?" Except my teacher dresses way better than me. >.< I need a distractingly cute blouse, STAT.

4. Mariska Hargitay might leave Law & Order: Special Victims Unit!?!? NOOOOOO! You don't UNDERSTAND. I love Mariska Hargitay! T_T She is like...my favorite actress or something. I mistake every brown-haired actress for Mariska Hargitay. She makes everything sympathetic somehow. Like, "UGH! I would so dislike that character...IF SHE WASN'T PLAYED BY MARISKA HARGITAY." Okay, fine. I admit I've only ever seen her on L&O: SVU, but she brings such CHARM. Like...if I was attacked, she'd be nice and understanding. And then Christopher Meloni would show up and maybe be nice too and I'd be like, "Do you guys...want to go get some Burger King or something?" and I'd want them to be my big brother and sister. Except I have a crush on Christopher Meloni--UGH. No, this is NOT that kind of story. What I'm trying to say is, PLEASE don't let Mariska Hargitay and Christopher Meloni leave! I will never watch that show again. I'M SERIOUS. I know you DO care about my watching your SHOW. NBC. OR WHOEVER.

5. Our teacher had us take sections of this achievement test in class to see how they are administered and stuff. I was excited to only miss two on the spelling section (I hate you, malfeasance and cacophony!) and to get them all right on the sentence completion section. HOWEVER, the math section kicked my butt so hard even my own mother is ashamed of me right now (she told me so). Seriously, I just usually use the calculator for stuff and I...um...forgot how to...multiplicate and divide and stuff between decimals and fractions and crap. Don't even get me started on the algebra section. @_@ And converting stuff and writing it in the simplest form and whatnot. I missed 14. FOURTEEN. And at least 5 of those were ones I didn't DO. Like, I had to give up. It was embarrassing and it brought my overall average seriously down and I was sad. I'll stay over HERE with the verbal and languagey people. Everyone KNOWS math and I broke up long ago.

tv, holidays, videogames, actors, family, school, chrono trigger

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