It'll ALWAYS Be Time for Chrono Trigger

Mar 31, 2009 08:33

Maybe it's partly the nostalgia factor and totally the fact that it's an awesome, awesome game but I always feel better after playing Chrono Trigger, for some reason. The music (ROBO ROLL *_*), the battle system, the characters, the makes me all giddy. And it's been fun to play it again without New Game+. I played my SNES copy soooo many times over and over on New Game+ that I forgot a lot about strategies to use for bosses and where to find items and stuff, so it's been fun to go "Hey, YEAH! THAT's where you find that gun for Lucca!" and stuff.

My battle preferences still haven't changed even after all this time, though. I'm a fan of attacks that hit all enemies, so you KNOW I'm always abusing Lightning II, Ice II, and Fire II. It always feels like Water II doesn't do as much damage, but that could also be because I rarely use Frog, so he's always behind everyone else in levels. Of course, this means my people are always Crono, Marle, and Lucca (plus I have a thing about like "Aww, they're the ones that started it all~!"), with Ayla sometimes thrown into the mix (cause she's STRONG). Poor Robo and Frog never see much action, sadly. I can't seem to get used to using them. I HAVE been trying to make an effort to throw them in every once in a while to make sure they're only, like, one level behind everyone else, though. And it'll be interesting to get Magus again because, for some reason, I apparently didn't get him very often in my old New Game+ games (maybe I felt too bad for Frog or something?? But I love Magus... What was my PROBLEM?) and he was WAAAY behind everyone. They were all level ** and poor Magus was something like level 57. It was sad.

And it's WEIRD, my attachment to Schala and Janus. I REALLY, REALLY like them, even though one can argue Schala is like most every self-sacrificing princess with magical powers type. Is it the blue hair?? Is it because of sentimental reasons? I mean, I totally loved that Chrono Cross was all about freeing her and I totally cried when she gets released from that crystal and stuff. I was disappointed that they didn't really make Guile turn out to be Janus/Magus (or at least his cat or something). At least he sort of was in Radical Dreamers...? Did I just make that up? And now I want to write up my Chrono Trigger stats!

Favorite Character:
Lucca! I LOVE LUCCA! It knows no bounds. I love everyone but Lucca is my baby.

Favorite Time Period:
Nnnn...It's probably a tie between 1000 AD and 12,000 BC.

Favorite Song:
Dang. I can't even choose. I particularly like Crono's theme song (not the slow one when he "dies"; that one's Marle's, right? theme or their theme or whatever), Lucca's theme of victory times, ROBO'S THEME HEE, Zeal's theme, the ending song when the credits play...

Favorite Magic Type:
I always have to go with Water~!

Favorite Tech:
Lightning or Ice (just going by the look of them like "oooooh")

Favorite Quest/Part:
Whoa, this is hard...I really liked the trial part when Crono goes to jail... I also liked getting my items back on the Blackbird, finding the Moonstone, the reviving the forest part, the part with the Rainbow Shell and helping Marle and her dad make up...

Favorite Boss Fight:
The very first part of the battle against Lavos (the one where he turns into every boss EVER). *cheats*

Favorite Dungeon:
I usually hate dungeons in games. Especially long dungeons (so you know it's not the Black Omen, ahahaha). But I'd go with...maybe the Ocean Palace. It didn't really feel very long...

Favorite Guru:
Ugh... I'm kind of torn between Gaspar and Balthasar (don't hate me, Melchior!), but I'm gonna go with...Balthasar. That guy was awesome and he built me a cool ship and left me weird Nus everywhere.

Favorite NPC:
I guess it'd be Schala! And Taban. And Crono's mom. And--

Favorite Accessory:

Favorite Weapon Type:
They don't do as much damage as Crono's fancy samurai swords and Ayla's fist and stuff but I love the guns, followed by the crossbows.

My "WAIT WHAT" Moment:
When it was revealed that Magus was Janus. I think a lot of (most?) people saw this coming but I was young and kind of spaced out and didn't see it coming at all. I still remember how excited I was when that part played ("NO. WAY. SO THAT'S WHY HE HAS BLUE HAIR."). In my defense, I did at least realize right away that he was the Prophet...? ^_^;; I just...didn't get that he was also Janus's grown up self. MINDBLOW.

Most Abused Tech:
Antipode III (and Lightning II, Ice II, and Fire II).

...I need a Chrono Trigger icon.

videogames, chrono trigger, 80s & 90s nostalgia

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