Feb 18, 2009 22:58
Man, I have a complaint. Okay. So, you all know The Sims 2. It is a great game and there are many great people who make great custom content for it. And I'm glad! But...why are all the furniture sets so...HUGE? Like, if I want to make a tiny bathroom, for a smallish house, most of the pretty stuff will be sets with HUGE, EXTREMELY MASSIVE BATHTUBS.
"But Ingrid!! These people are providing you with great content for FREE! You can't even make your The Sims 2 Bodyshop thing work! You can't create at ALL. You're not PRODUCING. What right have YOU to judge!? I think you need to CHECK yo'self before you WRECK yo'self!" you cry.
Well, let me TELL YOU. I have no right. I just...wanted to tell someone. Someone needs to know that I need a bathroom set with a one-tile shower. T_T A pretty one, not a maxis recolor. Because I like small houses. Huge, mansiony houses make my computer lag and I don't like them anyway, for some reason. I like cute, small houses that are easy to manage, the same way I like small Sim families (-_-; I mean on a particular lot, before those who know my Sims habits mock me for having a huge family. My Sim may have had 6 kids but there were never more than 5 Sims on the lot at any given time and even that was too much for me. I usually like to have no more than 3 Sims on the lot).
So, YEAH, people who were going to tell me that thing about judging and checking and wrecking myself and stuff. I WISH I could produce. I wish for a lot of things! But the fact is, my thing won't work and it probably won't unless I reinstall the whole game and I'm scared I'd do it wrong and lose my Sim family and I can't go through that again! Not when I just remade Jank 2.0! I decided to start him from babyhood and his only toy is the toilet.
the sims 2