Neat Lessons I've Learned Through Knitting

Dec 27, 2008 05:14

1. You gotta keep on trangling, man.
That's right! Basically, you have to keep going because you won't actually see the results unless you do. In order to see the neat pattern on the cover of the book come to life, you have to keep going even if you're not sure if you're doing it right.

2. You have to trust the pattern.
Also, you have to trust the pattern. *redundant* In my case, this means trusting God. When I look at a pattern, it's just a bunch of directions. A lot of times I don't even know if I'm doing the stitches right, and it could turn out that I'm completely right, but I have to trust that the pattern is leading me down the right knitting path. For me, God is my knitting pattern and has never let me down.

3. You have to pay attention.
If you miss a step, undoing it can be extremely difficult and sometimes you have to start all over again, especially if you realize it way late in the game. And so, paying attention is important!

4. You can always try again.
But even if you DO mess up, you can always undo the thing and start over again. Sometimes it will come out better the second time through because you have more of an idea of what you're doing. While working on square #7, I realized I had messed up almost at the end and had to start all over again, costing me around 8 hours of work. Still, I think the second try turned out better than the first.

5. Never surrendeeeeer~!
And, finally (well, for now), don't give up! I remember when I started knitting I sucked hardcore. I had no clue how to get the yarn on the needle, my stuff looked crappy, I had no one I knew that I could ask for help, and I threw a tantrum every five minutes. It wasn't until my dad yelled at me for giving up so quickly that I sniffled and picked up those needles again and tried every possible thing to learn (YAY, INTERNET VIDEOS). And now I'm knitting CABLES and crap! Making SOCKS? SOCKS? I MADE SOCKS. Not even fake poser socks but socks you can WEAR. SERIOUSLY. That still makes me happy. ^_^; And this came in handy when I got my new iPod and had to find a way to get all my music out of my old one. I almost gave up and was going to find a way to redownload everything or something but I decided to keep trying and finally found a way and I'm going to pass this on to every little child I can FIND. Like the other day at the Christmas Eve party! A child whined at me because I wouldn't let it go upstairs to play PS2, so I said "You must find a way to get past me." AND HE DID. He kind of...climbed over me and it was painful but he DID it. And I was PROUD. And then I dragged him back downstairs cause he wasn't supposed to be up there anyway. Um...does that mean I ruined the lesson? o.o

So there you have it! Some mushy, knitting-related lessons for your everyday life! ...Man, numbers 1 and 5 seem kind of similar. Um...pretend that they're different. I wanted to have 5 things, okay? >.< Just bear with it!

knitting, deep stuff

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