Feb 10, 2008 00:14
First of all, I hope your recital went AWESOME, Hoshi! I'm sorry I wasn't able to call you earlier! Circumstances with relatives and crap... UGH! But I bet you kicked butt!
Anyway, I had...the scariest nightmare. Basically, it was like being in every disaster movie ever. I was just relaxing at the movie theater with my mom and my cousin when someone was like, "Yeah, thank God the movie ended early so we can get home before dark." Of course, I was confused as to why we had to get home before dark, and then I realized, DUH, it's because the man-eating lions come out after dark! So we rushed home and actually went right by the lions and they attacked our car but mom was adept at shooting them and we got home ok.
Yes. Lions at night and DINOSAURS during the day. Like, Jurassic Park style (and I guess the lions were kind of I Am Legendish in their coming out at night). It was terrifying. ^_^; And THEN we're on our way to the park or something and I see this giant flying saucer flying around blowing up houses and buildings and stuff a la Independence Day. It was right above the building we were at and about to shoot us and so my family and I hugged each other and prayed and I was all emotional and telling my brother, "No matter what I've said before, I always loved you tons!" all teary eyed.
And then the flying saucer just disappeared. And I was relieved.
But it only lasted like two minutes before the scariest part of the dream began. Out of nowhere, that opening song from 2001: A Space Odyssey or whatever began playing and I saw this huuuuge meteor (Final Fantasy VII style!) that was going to crash into Earth. I was freaking out and then...I woke up!
PHEW! It was uncool. It sounds lame and stupid and silly now but it was so horrible. It made me think about all the poor Sim Cities and Sims I have terrorized throughout my lifetime. It's not as funny anymore. I mean, I used to turn on that All Disasters options or whatever and be kind of amused as my lame Sim Cities got flooded or attacked by monsters but...now...
I think what really clued me into the fact that it was sort of a movie dream, though, was that we were all GORGEOUS. ^_^; We were all movie actor versions of ourselves and there wasn't a single average-looking person in the world. It was really weird. And it didn't help at ALL. We were still going to die! The moral of the story is that disasters don't discriminate.