Who is Your Ideal TV Boyfriend?
Created by BuddyTV I think that is totally accurate!
Um...what else can I say so this isn't just an excuse to post a quiz...? I still haven't seen Juno and I really want to and it's making me mad.
OH! OH! Wait! I lied! I DO have something to say. You guys, I just bought Bubble Bobble and The Adventures of Lolo 2 for the Virtual Console. ^_^; I just caved in. The book people refunded my money and one thing led to another and...I love them both. And I suck at The Adventures of Lolo 2. T_T For real. I haven't gotten past the second floor. It is really embarrassing. I'm going to wind up cheating.
Just watch me buy The Adventures of Lolo 3 when it comes out too, despited it being almost the same thing. It's because I want to play as Lala. ^_^; She's so cute!
Eww, it's almost time to fill out financial aid stuff again. I hate school-related paperwork.
My back hurts. I need to get a proper desk and chair or something. And you know what else sucks? When it's really cold when you go to bed so you put on all these warm pajamas and stuff and then when you wake up it's really hot.