Tonight on the Heroes volume 2 finale...

Dec 03, 2007 22:21

WHY DO YOU KEEP TRYING TO KILL MY NATHANS~!? >_< First he almost dies of radioactive burns or whatever and now someone shoots him!? And it's probably HRG, too boot?? so...heartbroken. He cannot be dead. That is what I keep chanting. Even if Peter had to chop off his whole arm and bleed to death on top of Nathan or something, that Nathan is NOT dead. Ain't no WAY they will bring Maya back and let NATHAN die. That is an impossibility. Ain't. No. Way.

2.) Perhaps a Claire/Nathan/Peter reunion soon...?
Maybe this is just setting things up so Nathan and Claire will meet again somehow...? I mean, he was on TV... She might have seen him and been like "WAH, MY OTHER DAD! I have to save him~! And see Peter again!" And then Peter and Claire can reclaim their former coolness together somehow. I really miss that. REALLY.

3.) NP Airlines is a great idea.
The highlight of tonight's show, of course, was Matt flying on Nathan's back.

4.) Elle is officially Cool in my book.
I thought Elle was pretty dang cool too. You could really see how she's like a little girl and I felt bad for her when Bob chewed her out.

5.) Mohinder is the World's Best Dad? Probably not, but he sure tries!
And it was adorable how fatherly Mohinder was towards Molly. Awww! He went to hug her and it was cute and I want them to never part. I wonder if the apron is his or Matt's. I wonder who bought it, and for who...

6.) Maya, please give me hope.
I kind of hope Maya starts fitting into the puzzle somehow in volume 3. It'd be awesome if it turns out she's a hugely important part of something and we just didn't see it and then we can all be like "OH WOW SO IMPRESSIVE!"

7.) Monica, you are climbing the ranks really, really fast.
And I love Monica. She seems like the most "normal" person on the show.

8.) Rest in Peace, Niki. ;_;
And Niki dying (I assume) hit me a bit harder than I thought it would. I really felt sad and bad for her. I...I don't want Niki to die after all. T_T I mean, I never did, but I used to not care. Now I don't want her dead. I mean, come oooon! Micah! ;_;

9.) On these new character pairings...
In fact, I've realized some of the things I didn't like this season are the new pairings they have had. This is my own fault, since I can't expect characters to keep hanging out with the same characters and it is interesting to see characters who hadn't interacted with each other before do so. But...I admit that the only new "pairs" I liked were Nathan with Matt and Micah with Monica. Actually, Elle with anyone also. I wound up really liking her.

10.) I mean, I guess Adam was ok, but...
I guess I'm still the only one who was not so into Adam, for some reason. I don't know what it is. I mean, the actor is good and I like him. But everyone else seems to be far more impressed by the character. Maybe I need to rewatch all the episodes. ^_^; Or have his awesomeness explained to me somehow. Actually, this is probably my fault because I didn't really pay very much attention to Hiro's whole Japan arc and I actually can barely remember what happened before Hiro and Kensei betrayed each other.

11.) A Hiro without his Ando is just...
Also, I have found that I will probably always like Hiro best when he's with Ando. He's good with Nathan, too, but they barely hung out this season.

And now, I leave you with a crappy comic crappily done on MS Paint! ^_^;

heroes, tv

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