Well! The 9th cycle of America's Next Top Model has begun! I used to only watch that show because I was forced to (in the form of my cousin stealing my TV to watch it), but this time I'm watching it cause of Heather. Heather is the coolest contestant and she is adorable and the best. And it really makes me mad when the others are mean to her just because she has Asperger's Syndrome (which is why I rejoiced when Kimberly got kicked out, because she was all like "No, I don't want to be too nice to Heather cause then she'll become all clingy." HAH! No, KIMBERLY. No one would want to cling to YOU!).
Also, Heather reminds me of Hoshi. ^_^; She is tall like Hoshi, she sounds like Hoshi, her hair and skin color are the same as Hoshi's, and she allegedly has a hump on her back from slumping over a computer, like Hoshi. Well, ok, Hoshi has no hump (and neither does Heather, from what I can see, but maybe my eyes are forgiving because I'm rooting for her), but she does have a computer. TOTALLY.
And so, I hope Heather wins. If not, I hope she's in the top 3. I hope she at least beats all those who were cruel to her.
Speaking of Hoshi/Heather, we had some deep conversations I saved for those dark, rainy days when it is dark and rainy and life is sucking or something.
ProfessionalOboe says:
Thanks! I did something... AMAZING
I say:
What WAS it? o.o
ProfessionalOboe says:
I say:
ProfessionalOboe says:
I haven't done that in like EVER... seriously, it's gotta be at least ten years or something
I say:
I thought that was just a MYTH
I say:
ProfessionalOboe says:
ProfessionalOboe says:
They really DO bubble!
I say:
I think I did that when I was a BABY
ProfessionalOboe says:
ProfessionalOboe says:
Well, my friend gave me some Bath and Body Works stuff for my birthday
ProfessionalOboe says:
So I was like
ProfessionalOboe says:
I say:
A mature woman like me has no TIME for that. *shops at young people stores*
ProfessionalOboe says:
I say:
ProfessionalOboe says:
I say:
ProfessionalOboe says:
That'd be too cold
ProfessionalOboe says:
I like my baths HOT
I say:
Vanilla Hot just doesn't sound the same
ProfessionalOboe says:
It sounds like some kind of failed beverage
I say:
Well. I'm sorry you didn't like my new Vanilla Hot smoothie just cause it doesn't stay frozenish. T_T
I say:
I thought it was INNOVATIVE
ProfessionalOboe says:
It would've tasted better if you hadn't put CHEESE IN IT
I say:
You don't have to RUB IT IN like that. You SAID you like cheese too!
I say:
ProfessionalOboe says:
You used swiss! Man, everyone knows cheddar is better!
I say:
They were OUT! Plus I think maybe some guy somewhere said swiss is HEALTHIER
I say:
And I'm ALL about having you live a LONG TIME
ProfessionalOboe says:
EWW! You know I'm not on board for that!
I say:
So we can TALK LIKE ALL THE TIME. *clingy*
ProfessionalOboe says:
I say:
You're right. T_T
ProfessionalOboe says:
I say:
You wouldn't be on board....
I say:
ProfessionalOboe says:
I say:
((Wait, was it even him that said it like that?))
I say:
((Am I MIXING my quotes AGAIN?))
ProfessionalOboe says:
(I'm pretty sure he did at SOME point)
ProfessionalOboe says:
ProfessionalOboe says:
Or like, put it at the end of some sentence
I say:
ProfessionalOboe says:
Somehow, our subconsciousnesses (is that a word? Dang.) dug deep within to find something simple and meaningful that would last FOREVER
I say:
That's DEEP
I say:
I'm gonna steal it and print that on my wedding invitations.
I say:
And, like, on my funeral program cards
ProfessionalOboe says:
I say:
And when my first child is born/adopted/imagined.
It...it's good to have friends. Especially friends who watch Freakazoid. ;_;
Oh! I went CLOTHES shopping today. It was cool and weird. I still feel guilty spending a lot of money on clothes (seriously, one outfit can be like 50 dollars. I could buy a bunch of books with that much money), but it had to be done. The problem is, you buy these outfits and then they look weird on you when you put them on. "But why don't you try them on at the store?" you say. Well, I do (sometimes, cause I hate doing that, for some reason; probably cause I'm paranoid), but it still somehow looks different at home. Or maybe it's that guilt. I see my new clothes on and slowly they morph into unbought books. And they're all like "OooOoooooohhh...you could have gone on an adventure with meeeeeeeeeee... I could have nourished your imaginaaationnnn" and I'm like "NOOOO!!! Can I take these back...? T_T"
And, of course, I can't. Because I need to be clothed.
Also, I have to meet with my group today. I hope all goes well and that we get out early. I also hope I'm not, like, the most unprepared one there. I DID my interview, but my person I interviewed was simple and normal (and I LIKED that) and we just got straight to the point. The other people sound like they had longer interviews, though. Still, between all of us, we should have plenty of information. If not, I'll offer to...um...type it all up, even though someone else already offered. I guess I could...treat everyone to coffee to bribe them into writing a good report for me on the Group Member Evaluation thing. I mean, bribery always works with ME.