The I Hate School Club

Sep 20, 2005 01:04

Hoshi and I were talking about how school sucks cause they write everything in confusing ways that we can't understand. And then we wondered, are we the only ones who feel this way? Thus, we decided to make a club.

ReedMakerHoshi: Have you returned to me??
SchoolHaterIngrid: It's looking grim, man
ReedMakerHoshi: Me too, man.
SchoolHaterIngrid: >.< I already know how to do it...but now I have to actually read the stuff.
ReedMakerHoshi: Ewww.
SchoolHaterIngrid: And try to realize what the heck they're talking about.
ReedMakerHoshi: You have to read stuff, and I have to reed stuff. It's NOT FAIR.
SchoolHaterIngrid: >.< And then analyze it...critically
SchoolHaterIngrid: AHAHAHAHA
SchoolHaterIngrid: Hoshi, you're so clever. >.< You suck, man
SchoolHaterIngrid: I bet YOU could read the stuff and make all sorts of awesome deductions.
ReedMakerHoshi: AHAHAHAHAHA..... no.
ReedMakerHoshi: I can't read properly... it involves making sense of words with more than two syllables.
SchoolHaterIngrid: >.< I CAN'T HANDLE IT, MAN~! *SHAKES*
SchoolHaterIngrid: Seriously!
SchoolHaterIngrid: Look at this! polemic concerning the relationship between race and adoption has been well established. Points of entry into this extensive controversy can be found in articles reviewing the literature, such as Burrow and Finley (2001), Hayes (1993), Hollingsworth (1998), McRoy (2003), and Park and Green (2000). In the United States, transracial adoption (TRA) typically involves Black, Asian, or South and Central American children being adopted by White parents (Brodzinsky, Smith, & Brodzinsky, 1998). With regard to assessing well-being, numerous scholars have empirically investigated various developmental outcomes among transracially adopted children (e.g., Feigelman, 2000; Grow & Shapiro, 1974; McRoy & Zurcher, 1983; Simon & Alstein, 1996; Vroegh, 1997). Comparisons of mean levels of adjustment consistently have revealed nonsignificant differences between groups of transracial adoptees and same-race adoptees. The typical conclusions drawn from such studies suggest that racial differences between parents and adoptees do not harm the normative development of children (e.g., Feigelman, 2000; McRoy & Zurcher, 1983; Silverman, 1993).
ReedMakerHoshi: X_x;;
ReedMakerHoshi: That means ABSOLUTELY NOTHING
SchoolHaterIngrid: YOU SEE~? ;_; I have to read TEN of these things
SchoolHaterIngrid: And they're a minimum of 4 pages each >.<
SchoolHaterIngrid: And then I have to say STUFF about them
SchoolHaterIngrid: # Explain the main purpose of the work.
# Briefly describe the contents.
# Indicate the possible audience for the work.
# Note any special features.
# Warn of any defect, weakness, or suspected bias.
SchoolHaterIngrid: 1. The purpose is to make our lives miserable.
2. The contents are crap.
3. The audience is pompous people in doctorate teachers.
4. It's all sorts of amazingly confusing.
5. It's all sorts of amazingly confusing and biased against normal people with average reading skills.
SchoolHaterIngrid: I'M DONE
ReedMakerHoshi: #Note any special features

- This makes me cry bitterly, unlike most schoolwork which just makes me throw stuff.
SchoolHaterIngrid: Man, my one teacher even SAID it
SchoolHaterIngrid: We were talking about these articles and stuff and my teacher, who is cool, was summarizing it for us
SchoolHaterIngrid: And he said what the three main points were...and they were SIMPLE. So I was like "Why must they say it so weird..."
SchoolHaterIngrid: And he was like "Cause if not they wouldn't get published"
SchoolHaterIngrid: And I was like "So it IS all about stupid 'prestige' and pompousness!"
SchoolHaterIngrid: My teacher is cool. >.< We were supposed to do Chapter 4 next week and he was like "Oh, man. >.< I HATE chapter 4. So...we're not gonna do it. Cause I hate it. It's stupid. We'll do chapter 5, which is way cooler."
SchoolHaterIngrid: And I BET some FOOLS in class were actually disappointed by that and thought him unprofessional. MAN
ReedMakerHoshi: WAHHHH. Your teacher is cool, but school itself sucks.
SchoolHaterIngrid: SERIOUSLY. >.< Whyyyyy must they write like thaaat
ReedMakerHoshi: I don't knowwww
SchoolHaterIngrid: Hey, Hoshi... I want you to know something. And I'm going to say it in a simple, concise, and easy-to-understand way.
SchoolHaterIngrid: The aim of the current study is to investigate multiple indexes of adoption outcomes by different combinations of parent-child racial groupings for adopted adolescents. The results from such an investigation can be examined with an eye toward evaluating the extent to which multimeasure approaches contribute to the existing knowledge regarding the relationships among adoption, race, and adjustment outcomes during adolescence.
ReedMakerHoshi: I'm... STILL reading that and not getting any of it ><
SchoolHaterIngrid: WHY do they write like this?
SchoolHaterIngrid: See, it's because they're trying to impress the pompous professors and doctors.
SchoolHaterIngrid: So they don't care about the sad fact that undergraduates will have to read this crap and somehow try to make sense of it.
ReedMakerHoshi: Well, I'M not impressed. -.-
SchoolHaterIngrid: >.< They don't care how we feel cause we're not publishers. I hate the publishers too, then.
SchoolHaterIngrid: ;_; It's sad. Lately I'm all negative, man.
ReedMakerHoshi: They think that students aren't real people -.-
SchoolHaterIngrid: Hating school is...draining. But I cannot love it.
ReedMakerHoshi: It's because of school! It's DRAINING
ReedMakerHoshi: *NOD*
ReedMakerHoshi: I do not love hating school.
SchoolHaterIngrid: What's worse is when your fellow students seem to think it's ok or easy or normal. -_-
ReedMakerHoshi: And are big overachievers. -_-
SchoolHaterIngrid: That's when my heart is saddened.
SchoolHaterIngrid: *NOD*
SchoolHaterIngrid: Like this...
SchoolHaterIngrid: Me: *concerned and sad* ;_; Did you start the thing yet? Isn't it so difficult?
Person: Oh, well I started it and am half-way done.
Me: Isn't it hard?
Person: Well, all you have to do is blablabla.
Me: ...*wants to hear them say the words*
Person: *turns back around and does other stuff, such as study for other classes*
Me: ...It's hard, right?
SchoolHaterIngrid: ^_^;;;
ReedMakerHoshi: *NODS*
ReedMakerHoshi: My people here are ALL like that
SchoolHaterIngrid: And then, in the next episode I try the person sitting next to me, only to get similar results.
SchoolHaterIngrid: While the person behind me has the gall to tell me how exciting, stimulating, and simple he thought the assignment was.
SchoolHaterIngrid: Later, he was mysteriously beaten up after school by an unknown one-person gang.
ReedMakerHoshi: And you're like "I JUST WANNA GRADUATE"
SchoolHaterIngrid: >.< Your people too!? >.< MAN! WHERE ARE OUR FELLOW UNDERACHIEVERS?!
ReedMakerHoshi: They... abandoned us... ;_;
SchoolHaterIngrid: HOLY JUNK! I think...I understood something! o.O I think...they're comparing...some people for something.
ReedMakerHoshi: Woooah!
SchoolHaterIngrid: >.< You know what I wanna do? I wanna post this on my journal and ask people to sign
SchoolHaterIngrid: Like...
SchoolHaterIngrid: "If you agree with us... If you hate school too, sign up for the I Hate School Club.
SchoolHaterIngrid: "
ReedMakerHoshi: I'll sign!!
SchoolHaterIngrid: But there is one fear. What if we don't get a single person?
SchoolHaterIngrid: What if we're the only two?!
SchoolHaterIngrid: >.< There must be more! Surely we're not that original!

And so, if you feel the same way, leave a comment, and let us all join together in our dislike of school.

But if you love school, you won't be counted on any lists of any sorts! >.< TRAITOR!

school, hoshi

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