You fit in with:
Your ideals are mostly spiritual, but in an individualistic way. While spirituality is very important in your life, organized religion itself may not be for you. It is best for you to seek these things on your own terms.
100% spiritual.
40% reason-oriented.
Take this quiz at I dunno how right on these results are. I mean, most people know I'm religious, and know I'm Catholic, but also know that I have a lot of problems with the church. So in that respect, it makes sense. But some of the questions seem too black and white. For example:
"Do you believe that man was created in the form of God, or that man evolved from other species?"
I believe in evolution and all, it's stupid to allow religion to blind you to blatent truths. But I also believe that God *did* infact create us in His own image, but seeing how he's INCORPOREAL, so to speak, it's more of a "spiritial image" thing. And also, I mean, evolution is totally proof He exists. Any fool of a diety can just go "POOF! Here's life!". It takes a real artist to guide the insanely complex process of shit turning into other shit over billions of years. Besides, that sounds like it's a lot more fun to watch.
Meh, people who sit around focusing on the huge miracles that are written about in a book miss all the small ones that happen everyday.
And the asshats that sit around thinking that "religion is for those who need to be led" are blind idiots. EVERY major world leader has had their spiritual shit together. Martin Luthor King jr, Ghandi, The Dali Lama, just about every US President, even Hitler. People who refuse to have faith in SOMETHING greater than themselves lead small and empty lives, making excuses for everything they do. You feel sorry for me for believeing in God? HA. I feel sorry for YOU for having nowhere to turn in your darkest hours. Except maybe your own little pity-party.
I hope my opinion rubs people the wrong way.