
Nov 08, 2005 08:04

everything we see is intrinsically connected, no matter if we can see it or not. what needs to be seen in order to exist? nothing need be seen, only felt; the wind, emotions, God. none of these thigns can be seen, yet they are readily accepted as existing to some extent or another by nearly all people. what of the non-believers you ask. in this scheme do they really matter? ones reality is only what their perception allows. so for some wind and emotions are not a reality, even though there is no proper way to deny the physical feelings associated with them. there will always be those who are devil's advocate to any theory--there were those that said there was no way for a market economy to work, that democracy would surely fail. were they right? one has to suppose not, living int he greatest nation in the world. but i digress.
i began by stating that all things are connected intrinsically. there is no one defining fact or moment. the decision you will have to make tomorrow has already truly been made by your actions today. this is not say that we are slaves to our actions, but rather that everything has a consequence--either good, bad, or nuetral. but somewhere along the line you have to realize this, and the sooner the better. it can be broken down very simply, or built up complexly. you have an exam in 48 hours. you could study tonight and the following night to afford yourself more time to sleep. or you could study hard the night before. either way you will learn the exact same amount of material. the difference is, by cramming it all in the night before you will sacrafice sleep, and most likely part of your score because you were simply too tired to remember the answers in the moment you needed them. you yourself decided between getting an A and getting a C on that exam. sure, you could build a complex scenario easily, and use it indtead to define this, but this is not necessary. you can see the connection, and if you cannot, perhaps you are one of the few who refuse to believe in the wind, in God, or in democracy. and thats fine. perception is reality to you, and you are not willing to let anything change your would rather bury your head in the sand until new thoughts go away rather than admit for one second that maybe your views were wrong and could use some adjustment. its a personal choice, but then again youve already made the decision havent you?
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