Sep 03, 2011 15:18
I haven't been here since July?! JULY!
Much like the rest of the year so far, August was kind of a rocky month. The last you guys heard from me here I had just taken my retest. My score came in a week later and there was significant improvement! I had an interview not long after that and was offered and accepted the job.
I worked my normal shift through nearly the end of August. For the purpose of writing here, we'll just say that I was placed into a PSE schedule. The day before that schedule was to start, we got notice and paperwork for an overhaul. So I'm working this wonky shift at the moment. Five days a week with 4 drastically different start times. I should have my new overhauled schedule assignment on the 7th. I hope SO hard that it's the 10:30AM-7PM shift. I work those hours two days a week right now and while it's a little later than I'd like, it's been fine.
As soon as I find out my new schedule I'll have to talk with my new supervisor and get things worked out so that I can go to the Foo Fighters concert in Kansas City. I'm a planner. This not-knowing-if-I'll-be-able-to-go nonsense is only driving me up a wall a little bit. Also, I had to call the place that is holding our tickets hostage and they were rude. They have 3 more days to get here before it's a real problem and they'll be getting another phonecall.
Despite all the stress and whatnot, there have been several fun times worth mentioning since July:
- I went with Angel, Ashley, and Lena to the 13th Ave balcony on opening weekend to see the final Harry Potter movie! We had butter beer, and Lena had made us all Hogwarts house scarves to wear. Which we wore, even though it was 100 degrees outside. :)
- I went to Paint the Towne and got to do the painting that I've been drooling over since February...Kansas Wheat.
- Audra and I got together and finally finished her giraffe pinata. I think it was probably about 5 solid hours of work, but we got it done. It was kind of a headache, because we nearly ran out of yellow tissue paper and she adamantly did not want to go buy another package. Understandable. We stretched what we had and improved a little and I think it turned out super cute.
- There was a super fun evening at Sarah and Erich's new house. A bbq is always a great and delicious idea. There was also some homemade caramel popcorn around midnight that night. And glasses of milk. I'm telling you, WE know how to party.
- Stiles and I had a couple pretty fun days too. We had a loooong Friday Night Lights marathon and finished the series. I may or may not have cried twice watching the finale. It's a great, underrated series. I'm in love with Kyle Chandler.
- We also had a long day in the car looking for rental houses, because his lease at the apartment is coming to an end soon. In hindsight, we made the search way more difficult than it had to be, and didn't really find anything worthwhile. But, now we know what not to do for next time. LOL
- I got addicted to this semi-new streaming music service called Spotify. If you don't know what it's about...just google it. I'm not going to bother explaining why you should love it too.
- OH! A few weeks ago a group of us: Angel, Sarah, Erich, Dustin, myself and our ol' pal Pip got together and had an early Thanksgiving dinner. It was SUPER fun! We had way too much food, and spent hours talking and laughing. I made mashed potato rolls and my first ever spiced pumpkin cheesecake. I just love that I have friends who say something random like, "Lets have Thanksgiving in August...." and then do it. And it wasn't a half ass effort either. Aside from the warm weather and the lack of football on tv, it felt like the real holiday. I hope we can do it again someday and get at least a couple more people involved. If we don't do again, at least we have a cool memory of it.
I'm super excited that the Tumblr Buddies first year cycle is coming to an end. I stopped at the real post office on my way to work yesterday and sent my final package to my buddy in Arizona. She's going to text me when she gets it and we're going to pop up on gchat to "meet" and open the box. I don't think I've posted anywhere, but I also picked up a last minute extra buddy. Someone who has been severely neglected and has an overall sour experience with the program. I can't make up for a whole year, but I'll do what I can in this last month.
O.......kay! I think I'm pretty much done here. The only other thing I care to note is the fact that I FINALLY joined the rest of the cool kids and got a new phone. It's an HTC Incredible 2, and I'm in love with it.
And...yeah. That's it. Happy September, friends!
xoxo Jen