(no subject)

Jan 27, 2005 01:22

OK, so im totally noticing a trend with my updates. I always say I need to update more, but never really do. Wonder why that is. So like last time, things have changed, A LOT. My life is full of change these days, but I like it that way. Change is good, as long as it is good change, you know what i mean?

So, i've since moved back home. It's nice, no rent, free homecooked food, all that jazz. It's still different, which I expected. Going from living by yourself and having all of the privacy in the world to living w/ the 'rents again, is definitely a change, but its waaaaaaaaaay better than it used to be. And i'm proud of my parents and myself for that. Then again, the theme of this entry is "change".

I will hopefully have a job change soon. Still workin for the Children's Place. It's okay, and the people are nice, for the most part, but i miss my girls at my Orlando store. It was way different than what it is here. I worked with people I could actually have a real conversation with. They were the type of people you could hang out w/ on the weekends, but of course, I get something good, and it has to change.

My friends have changed too. I don't mean for this to sound like a sob story or something, but everyone is so busy with their own lives. I was excited to move home and get my old friends back, but that didn't really happen like I expected it to. Seeing as how i'm not in school right now, it's going to be hard to find new friends. *sigh*

So say you read a few entries ago, I talked about a boy named James. Well, we went out a few times, and apparently I have completely dropped off the radar. When i actually do get to talk to him he says "Oh i'm so sorry for not calling you, my battery has been dead, ive been busy with school.." blah blah blah, excuse after excuse. Well, he has been down here for the past 6 days, and hasnt called me once. I talked to him i think for like 5 minutes. So now i feel like a complete loser, because im sure to him it looks like im chasing him or something, but in reality, I just want a straight answer. If you dont wanna see me, then tell me. I'd would rather have the truth than to be played and ignored. I really dont understand why guys do that? It's not like im gonna get mad at you or something. I would much rather know the truth in the first place, but apparently most guys cant grasp that concept. So, i'm assuming whatever was going on between us is over, which is fine by me.

And on the whole guy tip, I really do think i'll be single forever. I find nice guys but i tend to be really picky on who i let into my life and my mind. And i cant say I have found anyone to fill those shoes. Seems like everyone else is capable of being truely happy, and finding what they want in life, except for me. I'm sure you have heard enough of my ranting.. If anyone really still reads this anyways..

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