Stop Procreating! Part 2

Jun 15, 2009 18:55

I actually had things to write about tonight, things that I wanted to get off my mind. But I'm short on time and another breeder has made life unpleasant for those of us who don't feel the need to continue our gentic line.

Background: My mom has been busting her ass painting the wooden frames on the exterior doors of our townhome association this weekend. Our dbag neighbors don't want to pay higher dues so we decided to do the painting work ourselves but of course none of our dbag neighbors volunteered to help. So my mom did all of the work.

The procreating bastard: One of our neighbors called to ask if my mom was going to be cleaning up the paint splatters and then proceeded to berate her for not using drop cloths (which she did). I can gurantee you (without even going to his house to look) that there are propbably a few small paint splatters but not nearly enough to warrent a phone call (especially considering that the painting took place outside and the splatters will wear off very quickly)(especially especially considering that my mom was doing all of the work for FREE!). To top it off, this dbag is three months behind in their dues.

The excuse: They've been having a hard time keeping up with their bills since they had their baby. THEN WHY THE HELL DID YOU BUY A HOUSE WHEN YOU WERE HAVING A BABY AND KNOW YOU CAN'T AFFORD BOTH!!!
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