tuesday morning/monday night

Aug 16, 2011 03:02

one upon a crime i couldn't stop to commit. i dreamed of so what dancing in my ears at almost 3am. it began slow up to the steady beat i always knew and remembered for all those years. am I just a subterranean? lets sit in the dark smoke and just listen. don't ruin this with conversations that aren't going anywhere to begin with. he was my hero at 18 now just a shadow on my leg. my sketches aren't from Spain. my smile lingers so sleigh its red and kills quickly. the bell just chimed to let you know I'm still awake and wondering what I'm doing here. just forget the obtuse lecturers who torture us all into watching there slow fall into insanity. arrogance never looked so sad on someone. who do you think you can fool with that smile a simple charade. I'll give you some insight into your own soul i hope this isn't wasted on a folly of natures plunder. its the scapegoat I've chosen to play. don't fall into another fantasy that just doesn't suit you. its moot not mute the point i mean. its a figure a speech they just cant figure out in the end. fall pray to the foundations of man's basic needs. that rainy evening just wont come that bar im always trying to escape just isn't there. you music is pulling me through miles it is kind of blue out tonight. next will be Coltrane's blue train.
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