Sep 03, 2009 18:40
after a crazy week of work working overtime. just shit going through all the worst things i can be put through. i have to deal with an amazing reward. im off all weekend whahaha. yep thats right friday,saturday,sunday,and monday. 4 days of awesomeness. me,trin and ali are going to the zoo tomorrow and maybe the drive in shhh i havent asked trin yet. then of course on sat going to a ben traughber show. then on sunday maybe going to see tara play and monday i just chill. monday im not doing shit. just so you know me it and the tv and im vegging the fuck out. i wont even know who iam after this weekend its gonna be so amazing. also i bought trin a used guitar today. it was a fender accoutic. it was a 100 bucks. her friend sold it but i paid for the fruits of me working more and more is paying off. im loving it. thank you world for letting me know im a good guy by giving me all this greatness. its awesome to love when you go home. my mom has even been in good. her moods have been up. im very happy trin is perfect even my job aint so bad. im still looking for a new one. so who knows. you never know whats gonna happen everyday seems like a perfect day. to be honest iam ready to be off work today. well i gotta run back to the grind... bye
for now.