Dear lady at Wal-Mart // Dear Da

Jun 21, 2009 01:29

Dear Lady at Wal-Mart,
Thank you, for informing me that I am somehow mocking the elderly by using a cane, when my leg muscles, have, at the moment, decided to curl in on themselves from not enough exercise. Thank you for informing me that I am 'too young' to need a cane and am somehow disrespectful.

It's wonderful that just because I am going on 22 I miraculously should have no problems! It really must just be leftover teenage angst or attention whoring. Because y'know, when incubators drink, the children don't feel the effects of it until they hit fifty or so, and congenital muscular dystrophy and chronic muscle weakness are just imaginary.

So glad to know I'm cured!

No love,

PS: My soon-to be eighty grandmother would love to kick your arse for insinuating that the elderly are weak.

Dear Da,

Thank you for not necessarily defending me, but being such a great person about it. I don't think Gran would have minded if you hit her, but you are right, she did raise you better.

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