* Ok, so I cut my hair, and it is now all short and cool and I can do all sorts of things with it. Shockingly? Granny likes it, so I'm not going to die over it. I'm going to dye it brown soon, maybe Friday. Pictures will be cut at the bottom, for those that would rather not look at my ugly.
* I got accused of being a girl because
fir_tree_baby has been pressuring me to buy a straight iron (straightening iron? I don't know what to call these things.) because she wants to play with the new hair, and I'm thinking about it. I then walloped the guys' arses at Dead or Alive Ultimate, and I still think the DD boobs are a bigger sign of girlhood.
* I got a bunch of paperwork I'm supposed to fill out before my appointment on Friday with the GI specialist, and two pages of it is family history. Too bad I have no idea how to contact my sister or our egg donor, and the sperm donor is in jail! (Again!) I'm going to try cling around tomorrow, maybe Julz will know, but ugh, if I can't, I have to go in with it blank. My perfectionism hates that idea.
* Phantom of the Opera perfumes. How freaking AWESOME is that? And Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde.
* Have been bored lately, and so have been catching up on TV. Am on season 2 of How I Met Your Mother, watched Demons through episode six (note to self, Mina things always give you bunnies), started Being Human, which I find freaking awesome, and am now considering watching Barty Jr David Tennant as the Doctor, considering I left off where Nine died. Am also considering watching Big Bang Theory and possibly Gossip Girl, if I can make myself.
My apologies for the ugly.