Yes, but how many times makes it habitual? More than once?
As I have stated before, I do not think that cheating is ever something that should happen in a committed relationship, but that every situation is different, as are the people involved.
I know this is a personal question... but who here has been cheated on? Just curious.
i disagree. this entry is probably not checked anymore, but once is a cheat. It's only not cheat"ing" because it's not plural. the one time can be forgiven, but only under certain circumstances (alcohol, drugs, life-or-death...) the second time and you're outta there, buddy.
I would hate myself even if i knew that i even seriously considered cheating.
it does still get checked a lil, alcohol is no excuse for cheating, it's a self-induced state. And by drugs, only medical drugs can "possibly" be excused.
Yes, but how many times makes it habitual? More than once?
As I have stated before, I do not think that cheating is ever something that should happen in a committed relationship, but that every situation is different, as are the people involved.
I know this is a personal question... but who here has been cheated on? Just curious.
I have been cheated on.
Question is what is the definition of cheating? There is a gray area in that.
three is a habit.
Once is a fluke
Twice is your last chance
Three is habitual
I would hate myself even if i knew that i even seriously considered cheating.
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