First off, a question: when passing along links, how does one appropriately credit sources who have LJ presences but who did not post the link on LJ, and instead posted it on a forum associated with their real identity? Using their LJ handle would harm their anonymity, but using their real identity would harm my anonymity. For the moment, I'm just not crediting, which seems unsatisfactory, but reduces the chances of putting 2 and 2 together to a minimum that is acceptable to me.
With that in mind:
An article in the New York Times about "
decision fatigue", or how making decisions burns glucose. This matches with my experiences, and has hideous implications regarding poverty.
An article in the Economist about
hooliganism, or several hundred years' worth of British people blaming violence in their society on new inventions, African influence, permissive culture, and a lack of discipline by parents. Very educational!