There is a movie that you all must see. It is called
The Fall; it's the most engaging and emotionally affecting movie I've seen in years. It does fascinating things with storytelling and viewpoint. It also, at times, conjures in me more of a feeling of dread (in the
Orson Scott Card sense) than I can remember any movie doing before, although I should qualify that by saying that these things dim in my memory with time.
It may also be worth mentioning that I consider this to be a disturbing movie, whereas I thought "Pan's Labyrinth" was merely brutally honest and occasionally frightening.
The trailer:
Click to view
It's currently playing in large cities, in Seattle at the
One of my favorite quotes: "Shoot, you animals! They'll pay you well for Darwin's hide!" *
* Yes, that Charles Darwin, through two spyglasses darkly.
If my warnings make you think of not seeing it, please consider reading the following minor spoiler:
It has a completely happy ending. Really!