Last week George Bush Jr. or DUBYA (as I like to call him) was busy trying to earn the vote of the nation. The Republican Party was carefully crafting an image of a decisive wartime commander who is strengthening America and making it a safe place to live. Before the actual convention Bush decided to sit down with NBC’s “Today Show” and discuss his political agenda. He saluted and waved the flag as he answered scripted questions. At one point I thought he was going to put on an apron affixed with the American flag and bake apple pie. When asked by the interviewer “Can we win?” the war on terror, Bush replied, “I don’t think you can win it. But I think you can create conditions so that the - those who use terror as a tool are - less acceptable in the parts of the world.” I find this interesting. After all, isn’t this the same man who has proclaimed in every interview during the past couple years that WE WILL WIN THE WAR ON TERROR? Perhaps I am a tad silly but I doubt it makes perfect sense to fight a war that cannot be won. Let’s send thousands more to die just because we will make terrorism “less acceptable in parts of the world”.
Republican aids quickly sought to clarify Bush’s statements by saying “DUBYA” meant “winning the war in a conventional sense”. That means that the war cannot be won in a predictable manner, rather the approach must be unconventional. I wonder if anyone actually knows what the “unconventional approach” entails. Perhaps Bush will be sent to talk to all the terrorists of the world and confuse them to the point of submission. In his next interview Bush proclaimed that 'We will win,' just not in conventional way. PHEW I am glad that he is reading from the Republican script again. Personally, I like my President to force-feed me what I want to hear. I just can’t justify paying the extra 50 cents to supersize the lies beyond believability.