Title: Beginnings
Pairing: Peter/Claire
Rating: PG
Warnings: Fluffy with a tinge of angst, incest
Author's Note: Written for the
12daysofpaire holiday fic challenge. Prompt was mistletoe. This was written pretty quickly to meet the deadline so unfortunately no beta, all mistakes are mine.
The incessant singing and nonstop shopping probably should’ve been enough to clue her into Peter’s holiday obsession, but the true severity of the situation doesn’t really hit home until she witnesses the utter devastation Peter has somehow single-handedly caused to his room on Christmas Eve.
What once had been an elegant, pristine, spacious room befitting of any member of the Petrelli family was now littered with more wrapping paper than Claire has ever seen in her entire life, and the…affection…she has for him that she usually succeeds at locking away into the deepest recesses of her mind suddenly flares to life as she watches him frantically search under his bed for a bag of bows he managed to misplace.
He was trying so hard to make this the perfect holiday gathering for their family, for her, and the smile that lights up his eyes when he sees her standing in his doorway only serves to cause her heart to do that rather unbearable flip-flop inside of her chest that she’s starting to fear will never go away.
It was Peter’s idea to bring her here for the holidays to give her a chance to know her “family,” and the barely disguised longing she likes to think she heard in his voice when he relayed the request to her was the only thing that managed to convince her to board that plane. Now that she’s here though, on the receiving end of that look she hopes he reserves specifically for her, she can’t imagine spending the holiday anywhere else.
Somewhere along the line home had started to feel like wherever Peter was, and no matter whether it’s right or wrong she just can’t force herself to pull away.
In a perfect world they’d be wrapped up in a blanket, drinking hot cocoa on his balcony while they watched the snow fall around them, content to just be sharing the moment with each other. Or maybe he could just be a boy and she could just be a girl and they could spend Christmas gathered around her dinner table in Odessa, drinking egg nog and playing Monopoly until all hours of the morning.
In a perfect world, loving him wouldn’t be a sin and lies wouldn’t fall from her mouth easier than the truth.
It’s impossible to maintain her somber train of thought when he suddenly laughs and pulls her beneath the mistletoe she hadn’t noticed hanging in his room. His joy is too infectious to deny and she can’t remember the last time she was able to be around him without smiling.
His laughter dies down when he looks in her eyes and slowly moves the hair back from her face and the rapid succession of butterflies now churning through her stomach clue her into the fact that she’s about to get exactly what she wants for Christmas.
They may not live in a perfect world but it feels like a perfect moment when he closes his eyes and presses his lips to hers. She can feel the moment drawing to an end much sooner than she’d like and she hates that they’ll have to go on about their lives and ignore the way he lingers just a little too long to be proper when he slowly pulls away from her.
She can’t bring herself to open her eyes until she feels his timid caress on her cheek and she does her best to keep from burdening him with her lamentations about what they could be when she finally raises her eyes to his. He tastes like chocolate and possibility and for now she’ll just have to comfort herself with the hope that he’ll look at her like this again.
The smile that graces his face as he steps back from her is enough to soothe away any lingering traces of distress she may have been feeling and as she takes one last look at his devastated room she can’t help but feel confident that all of this is just the beginning.
“Merry Christmas, Claire.”
“Merry Christmas, Peter.”
This holiday will never feel complete without Peter again and it’s all she can do to keep the knowing look from her eyes as she prepares to leave.
Yes, this was most definitely just the beginning.