This is not an email forward

Oct 25, 2005 09:55

The following was written by my mom.  Don't think things like this don't happen to people you know, don't think they can't happen to you.  They don't just happen to people our age...  Here's what happened...

Last Friday night Mark and I went out to eat with some friends, Sandy and Jim.  We were at the bar waiting for our table, and ordered a drink.   Sandy and I sat at the bar, and a few minutes later, 2 seats opened up for Jim and Mark.  I did not realize there were people passing drinks back from the bar between Jim and myself. (There was a group celebrating a  girl's birthday.)   My margarita was sitting on the bar right by my arm.
We went in to eat, and I only had 1/2 my drink gone, so took it with me to finish with our meal.
Before I was done eating, I got really hot, and told Mark I had to get outside.  Sandy followed me.  I do not remember getting into the car, or even going home.  I blacked out once I was sitting in the car.  Someone had drugged my drink!!   The few times I came to I saw big white balls coming at my head and then I would pass out again.  I remember telling Mark I was getting sick, so he pulled over and I puked my guts out.  I do not remember coming home or getting into bed.  I felt totally incapacitated!!  I didn't get out of bed Saturday until 1 in the afternoon.  I had such a headache, and still felt sick.
We feel that the group celebrating the birthday was out to drug the girl, and it fell into my drink.  I feel sorry for her to have such friends.  But I am pissed that it happened to me!!

Keep hold of your drinks - water, soda, beer, or whatever.
Please be careful - even in your dorm rooms!!
As I said - I NEVER thought this would happen to me!!

I found this on the internet:

Rohypnol tablets are white, scored on one side, with the word "ROCHE" and an encircled one or two (depending on the dosage) on the other. They are sold in pre-sealed bubble packs of one or two mg doses. Rohypnol can often be dissolved in a drink, and undetectable. Who uses Rohypnol and how?
Rohypnol use has been reported on every inhabited continent. It is often used in conjunction with other drugs. It is usually ingested orally, but can be snorted. Teen use of Rohypnol is increasing. The most common pattern of use is by teenagers and young adults as an alcohol extender in an attempt to create a dramatic "high" most often in combination with beer, or as a drug to incapacitate a victim before a sexual assault. Why has there been an increase in teen use of Rohypnol?
  • First, Rohypnol is a low-cost drug, sold at less than $5.00 per tablet.

  • Second, common misconceptions may explain the drug's popularity with young people:

    • many erroneously believe that the drug is unadulterated because it comes in pre-sealed bubble packs -- and therefore tamper-proof and safe

    • many mistakenly think its use cannot be detected by urinalysis testing.
What happens when you take Rohypnol? What are the side effects?
Rohypnol intoxication is generally associated with impaired judgment and impaired motor skills and can make a victim unable to resist a sexual attack. The combination of alcohol and Rohypnol is also particularly hazardous because together, their effects on memory and judgment are greater than the effects resulting from either taken alone.
Effects begin within thirty minutes, peak within two hours, and can persist for up to eight hours. It is commonly reported that persons who become intoxicated on a combination of alcohol and flunitrazepam have "blackouts" lasting eight to twenty-four hours following ingestion. Disinhibition (losing your social inhibitions) is another widely reported effect of Rohypnol, when taken alone or in combination with alcohol.
Adverse effects of Rohypnol use include, decreased blood pressure, memory impairment, drowsiness, visual disturbances, dizziness, confusion, gastrointestinal disturbances and urinary retention.

Withdrawal symptoms include headache, muscle pain, confusion, hallucinations and convulsions. Seizures may occur up to a week after cessation of use.
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