Out of time...

Mar 19, 2005 22:34

why does it seem like I'm running out of time? It feels like i have so much to do in life, and even though I'm just nearly 20, there seems to be not enough time left to do everything i want to do, to meet everyone I want to meet, and to try new things that I haven't tried. not only does it seem like there is not enough time to explore the world that is out there, but there is not enough time to stay in touch with people from the past. I have gotten out of touch with so many wonderful people. I don't know if it is my fault or theirs, or maybe our lives just dont fit anymore. I have been consumed by this crazy life, trying to get everything done for school, working, trying to rehab my leg so that I can work some more during the summer. I live in a city with the most beautiful beaches, yet i have not been to the beach for seven months. I hardly have time to spend with the few friends I have here, so keeping in touch with friends who live days away has basically come to an end. Maybe they weren't real friends after all....maybe life just brought us together for that specific moment, and now that the moment has passed, so has our friendship. There are those few who are my true friends, that no matter how far they are we manage to know everything about eachothers lives. Those are the friends that have been through thick and thin with me, and that know me probably better than i know myself. I am so thankful to have those people in my life, and so lucky... I've come to the conclusion that we cannot befriend the whole world, but the few people that stay in your life through the good and the bad, those are the ones that really matter, and those are the ones that have befriended you.
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