Title: Happy Birthday, Dean Winchester!
Author: Stolen Childe
Disclaimer: I don’t own Dean, Castiel, Sam or Gabriel. I’m just playing with them!
Rating: PG
Content/Warnings: kid!fic, lite angst, birthday!fic, future!fic, mopey!Dean, conniving!John T., sap, fluff, Gabriel, ending may be cavity inducing
Pairing/Characters: Dean/Castiel, Sam,
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oh my god this was PERFECT JUST PERFECT I LOVED IT <----this is what your ending does to me
ok, so many thing to love in this chapter!!! First "After Sam, Castiel, John and Mary, Dean was pretty well used to question." That is so true, Dean is the ultimate Dad. And: "Sam quirked one brow, “Tall order.”
“Then I asked the right person,” Dean quipped.
“Har, har…” Sam rolled his eyes but he was smiling. “Chocolate chip banana pancakes it is.”" so, so funny XD. ok that's all the quotes.
Moving on: Jasper has blue eyes and dark hair <3 just like papa Cas; and Cas was so worried about John's scar; and Dean's reaction about the apartment; and Sam dog's slippers! <3; and poor Dean alone on his birthday breakes my heart; and GABRIEL appered!!!!! and he asked for a hug :D and there were a lot of Squirts in this one and that's all just so lovely.
But the best thing, the very best thing: JASPER SAMUEL BALTHAZAR WINCHESTER. Now that's just perfect.
In case it wasn't obvious I'm gonna say I loved this story, everything about it, it was beautiful.
...and, you know, sorry for the long, and, let's be honest, rather nonsensical comment; but you named the kid JASPER SAMUEL BALTHAZAR WINCHESTER, you gotta know what that does to me <3 specially because I love JASPER SAMUEL BALTHAZAR WINCHESTER (I realise I don't have to use his whole name but it is just that great)...I apologise once more for my comment.
can't wait for the next story <3
Thank you again! *hugs*
oh, and I'm also a Balth fan, how could anyone not love him?
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