Huh... Ficcy-ness

Oct 08, 2011 19:48

Oh my Godstiel... My John'Verse is consuming my brain. I just wrote like three stories for it in as many days and I'm really anxious to post them, but I think I'll give it a bit...

I'm also afraid that I may have to put a hiatus on Subtle Shining Sorceries for a short while after I post the next part. I'm not liking how it's coming out and I need to refocus a little bit. My bloody muse is trumpeting for other stuff right now. I really need to read/watch more HP stuff I think, I've been so overloaded with SPN that Harry's falling a little flat and I'm careening a little of the SSS track. Grr... I hate fickle muses, I've always been cursed with them.

Le sigh...

Wish me luck folks!

fandom, fanfic thoughts, musings

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