[Fic] Supernatural - Black Night Lights - Preview Chapter

Oct 06, 2011 10:47

Title: Black Night Lights - Preview!
Author: Stolen Childe
Disclaimer:They boys don’t belong to me.
Rating: PG (this part)
Genre: Romance, Crime Drama, Human AU
Warnings: (this part) slash, established relationship, boy!kisses, FBI!fic, teacher!fic, human-AU
Pairing/Characters: Dean/Castiel, Sam
Author's Notes: So I was so very proud of this portion of the story that I decided to post it as a Preview. I’m not fully aware of when the story will be completed, but I imagine if my muse holds I can get it done by Christmas. This occurs fairly early into the story, but it is not the beginning. You won't need the beginning to understand. Please enjoy!

For overall Ratings, Warnings, Summary and Further Information please visit the Master Post


Preview Chapter

After Dean saw that Sam was indeed fine and when he was cleared to leave Sam and Dean decided to stop and have an early dinner before heading home. Castiel declined, claiming paperwork, but they had been together long enough for Dean to know that Castiel really just needed time to reign in his anger. Dean was nobody special. He really had no good reason to have been there today aside from his overprotective instincts of his little brother. Castiel was far more capable than Dean could ever imagine to be and Sam frankly didn’t need him anymore. Yes, family members did visit occasionally, that was nothing unusual, but family members didn’t tend to storm in and demand answers like the owned the joint.

“Dean, he’ll get over it,” Sam said quietly as he picked at his chicken salad, his grilled chicken salad, not even breaded. Dean made a face as he took another hearty bite of his double bacon cheeseburger. Sam spared Dean’s dinner a similar look of distaste.

“I eat healthy in front of my brats all friggin’ day, if I wanna get a burger, I’m getting a burger,” Dean said defensively around the food in his mouth just because he knew it bugged the hell out of Sam. If Castiel had joined them Dean would have never have gotten away with it. But Cas wasn’t here. Dean pouted (frowned, not pouted!) and his next bite was not as enthusiastic.

“Dude, gross,” Sam scowled. At that Dean had to grin, big fancy lawyer turned FBI guy and Sam still said dude. Dean had to love his little brother.

“I dunno Sammy, things have been rocky lately. I’ve been spending more time with Andrea (and you know how Cas feels about her) because of planning for the Halloween thing. It’s bigger this year because we’re fundraising for all the recent natural disasters so we’re doing a funhouse, games, a corn maze. Heck, I think Lucy even managed to score us a Ferris Wheel or something. So there’s that, and the first month or so back is always hard so I’m beat to shit at the end of the day and you and Cas have been dealing with that crime ring thing so he’s been coming home late…” Dean shook his head, and tossed his burger onto his plate pushing the heavy white porcelain away.

“Look Dean, maybe you and Cas just need to take some time for each other. I’ve noticed he’s been a lot more stressed at work lately. Why don’t you go out to the cabin for the weekend or something? Since this phase of the case has wrapped up Agent Harvelle gave us both a week off…” Sammy drifted. Instead of the suggestion brightening Dean’s spirits as was the intention, the mention of their boss only served to remind Dean of his big screw up today. He groaned and slumped down.

“Mama look! I can give it to him after all!” a little voice piped up from across the restaurant.

“Sydney, no… Just wait until after the weekend I’m sure he-”

“Mister Winchester! Mister Winchester!”

Dean’s head snapped up and he abruptly straightened in his seat. Sam saw Dean literally alter himself physically, though probably unconsciously. His expression schooled slightly though it retained an element of his familiar smile. Eyes softened and posture straightened, worries from that afternoon buried for the moment.

Dean and Cas lived fairly close to the school he taught at, which of course meant inevitably running into his students on occasion. He didn’t mind so much, really. He knew half the time, in this day and age with both parents working so much, he spent more time with the kids than their own families did and children this age tended to imprint on whatever adult in their life they could. Dean of course always kept perfectly professional, but that didn’t mean he couldn’t spare them a kind ear and a smile if he ran into any of them outside of school.

“Hello Sydney. Just came from dance did you? Will we get to hear all about it Monday morning?” Dean smiled at the blonde little girl, dressed in a pink and white leotard, her curls falling from a ponytail at the top of her head.

“Yep! We learned this butterfly thing today! It was super fun but I’ll tell you all about it Monday. I just wanted to give you this. I made it in art class today. We had to pick a picture from a hat and draw it. I got a car, I know you like cars and thought you might like it, but then you were sick. Did you have a tummy ache?” Sydney said in one long rush. It wasn’t hard for Sam to miss the tinge of hero worship and a budding crush in the eight-year-old’s eyes.

“No, not a stomach-ache,” Dean replied. “I had some big brother things to take care of. Now let’s see this picture.” To Mr. Winchester was scrawled happily across it in little girl writing and below was the car Sydney drew if not realistically then certainly enthusiastically. From Sydney abruptly finished the image.

“Excellent work Sydney! I see that extra time with our ‘little Ds’ and ‘little Bs’ has helped. I like this drawing very much, thank you. I’m going to put it on the cupboards behind my desk on Monday,” Dean smiled at the little girl.

Sydney nodded back, “I know which way to put it now Mr. Winchester! Not backwards anymore!”

“All right Sydney. Thank Mister Winchester for allowing us to interrupt his nice dinner. We have to go home now,” Sydney’s mother said gently.

“Thanks! Bye Mr. Winchester!” Sydney took her mother’s hand and waved behind her.

“I’m so sorry Dean,” Sydney’s mother mouthed.

“No worries, you have a good weekend,” Dean flashed her a grin. The woman flushed and turned away. After she picked up her take-out bag from the woman at the counter she tossed Dean a shy little smile before leaving the restaurant, daughter in tow.

“Dude. Wow. Like Twilight Zone, wow,” Sam was looking at his brother slightly wide-eyed. He knew Dean wouldn’t be his brash self in the classroom but still, witnessing it was something else entirely.

“Shuddup,” Dean tossed a fry at his hulk of a little brother. “What do you want me to do, drop f-bombs and make snide remarks at her? Sheesh, Sammy, I’m a professional.”

Sam chuckled then shot his brother a cheeky grin, “So you and Cas ever roll play, because I’m sure he’d get a hell of a kick outta Teacher-Dean giving him a detention.”

“Don’t you now it,” Dean returned with a filthy grin and an eyebrow wiggle.

“Aww, man, walked into that one. Visuals are burning my corneas,” Sam shuddered. So Sam’s plan of embarrassing his shameless brother utterly failed but it was worth it to see him coming back to himself a little.

“You should see what he does with his handcuffs…” Dean added.

“Wow Dude! TMI! Line: here. Dean: here,” Sam gestured on the table.

“Well at least now you’ll pick your plays a little more carefully in the future, because this is one game you ain’t beating me at, Sammy,” Dean leaned back against his seat, far too pleased with himself for Sam to let him get away with it, and the younger Winchester opted to toss a piece of lettuce at the elder as punishment. It fluttered limply for a moment before falling far shy of its target.

“FBI training at its finest. Maybe you should go back to agent school Sammy,” Dean said patronizingly.

“Hilarious,” Sam deadpanned and stood scooping up the check that they waitress had brought over as they spoke. “I got this.”

“Thanks. I’ll take the cabin,” Dean said.

“Great,” Sam smiled.


When Dean entered their apartment it was to find Cas leaning in the doorway leading to the kitchen, dish towel over his shoulder, cup of tea in hand, sleeves of his white button down rolled up to his elbows. The tie, jacket as well as Castiel’s socks had been discarded as usual as soon as he got home. Dean thought he looked positively lickable and felt a little twinge in his chest that he had let himself basically ignore this gorgeous man for so long.

“Hey you,” Dean smiled gently.

“Hey yourself,” Castiel returned, that private smile curling his lips. Dean came over and decided to kiss it off. They lingered together for a moment, Dean’s hand curling around Castiel’s waist before he squeezed once and pulled away, helping himself to a sip of Castiel’s tea as he did so. Cas quietly accepted his mug back after Dean was finished with it.

“You eat?” Dean asked moving into the kitchen.

“Yes,” Castiel replied following.

“Sam, rabbit that he is, didn’t finish his salad. A freakin’ salad and he didn’t finish it! I’ll put it in here if you’re hungry later,” Dean said as he leaned into the fridge, he retrieved a bottle of water for himself before shutting the door. He still couldn’t convince Cas that filtering the water was just as good as the bottled stuff. Dean actually found he preferred the taste of filtered over the bottled now. He was trying to teach sustainability after all and as he always taught his kids, it starts at home. Cas couldn’t pass up the convenience and Dean couldn’t really fault the busy agent for that one.

“Thank you,” Castiel said, taking another sip of his tea.

“That’s different, what is it?” Dean nodded at the orange mug Castiel held.

“Chai. Mrs. Brar, the woman who just moved in with her husband down the hall? Taught me to make it the Indian way,” Cas answered.

“I like it,” Dean remarked. Without asking or waiting for Dean’s request Cas set about to heat the milk over the stovetop for the tea.

Dean came over and wrapped his hands around the smaller man’s waist, resting his chin on Castiel’s firm shoulder. He watched as Cas added the herbs, spices and tea leaves.

“Brar… That an Indian name then?” Dean asked.

Castiel shrugged, “Punjabi.” Dean nodded and watched as Castiel gently stirred the milk and herbs that were rapidly darkening. Castiel nodded his head to the coffee pot and Dean reached forward to grab the bowl of sugar they kept there. Castiel took the sugar bowl with a soft thank you, added it and stirred again.

“Dean/Cas,” they began in unison. Castiel reached over and lowered the heat to allow the tea to simmer before turning in Dean’s circle of arms and putting his hands gently on either side of the younger man’s face.

“I’m sorry,” Castiel said.

“Me too,” Dean grinned in reply. “Though it was all my screw-up. You don’t need to apologize.”

“Even so,” Castiel returned. “I did overreact and to that I apologize. It wasn’t necessary. You were worried. I should have understood that better.”

“Well I shouldn’t have barged into the Federal building like you just arrested my 90-year-old grandmother or something,” Dean shrugged.

Castiel opened his mouth to counter again but then he let his lips lift in a faintly amused smile, “We could do this all night. So we’ll agree we’ve said our final apologies and we’ll move on. All right?”

“Deal,” Dean nodded.

“Excellent,” Castiel answered. Dean leaned down and kissed Cas again just because he was in the perfect position to do so and Castiel responded by wrapping his arms around Dean’s neck and leaning into the heat of his body. They stood there, kissing gently and languidly for a few moments enjoying the closeness that they had unwittingly deprived themselves of for the last several weeks. Dean pulled away and rested his forehead on Castiel’s shoulder, inhaling the uniqueness of his scent before giving him a tight squeeze and pulling back with a contented sigh.

“Anything new record last night?” Dean asked, going over to lean on the counter as Castiel poured the tea into a mug for Dean and the remainder into his own cooled one.

Castiel paused, thinking, “Bones I think. I know you have a crush on that Booth character.”

“I think he’s hot, so what? I got a thing for Federal Agents,” Dean grinned.

“Oh? I never would have guessed,” Castiel smiled teasingly back, drying his hands and finally relinquishing the dish towel from his shoulder. He put it down on the counter and Dean went over to hang it up.

Castiel continued, “It’s one of the only procedural crime dramas I can tolerate. At least they seem to do their research and I find forensic anthropology fascinating. I picked up a few of the novels the program is based upon. They’re really quite good. You should read them. The author is an actual forensic anthropologist which lends a lot to their credulity.”

“Oh yeah? Will do,” Dean replied, letting Cas lead the way out of the kitchen and pick a spot on the couch first. As usual Castiel picked the corner settling gently down and crossing his ankle over his knee. Dean sprawled next to him leaning against the other side and kicked his bare feet up into Castiel’s lap. As Castiel began the show and began gently rubbing Dean’s ankle with his free hand Dean wondered how on earth he got so lucky. Castiel flashed Dean one of his rare brilliant smile, thinking the exact same thing.

“Hey, you’re off this weekend right?” Dean asked as Castiel began skipping commercials about fifteen minutes into the show.

“Yes, why?” Castiel asked.

Dean grinned, “I have a plan.”

“Should I be concerned?” Castiel quirked a brow.

Dean grinned in response, “Maybe.”

Castiel chuckled.

Black Night Lights - Coming Soon!

type: crime drama, type: human-au, character: castiel, fandom: supernatural, length: multi-chaptered, content: team free will, slash: supernatural, work in progress, fanfic, character: dean winchester, genre: romance, pairing: dean/castiel, character: sam winchester

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