Well that was an extremely well written episode. I loved it! Then again, any episode with Charlie is usually pretty awesome. Also, we got a Cas mention! That’s wonderful. Remember the days when those didn’t exist? Yeah, I hated them too. They have really pulled up their socks this season. Hiring Carver as the show-runner is pretty well the best decision The CW ever made post-season five.
I loved the whole completion of the Star Wars allusion too! It was actually ridiculous how sexy I found Jensen-Dean saying “I know” à la Harrison Ford’s Han Solo. I have no idea why but it made me all warm inside…
Charlie was adorable. She and Dean really are my brotp. I also like how it was her who brought up Castiel which leads me to believe Chuck published online after all. The book originally stopped when Dean went to Hell. I wonder if Chuck will make a reappearance, that’s the second time he was mentioned this season. Or they’re just trying to remind us of the previous seasons. Considering six and seven were so utterly different than the first five.
They only thing I didn’t like about the episode was that Dean was in the uniform for a relatively short amount of time! Like basically my single complaint! I do love the fact that he made him a doctor though. That was great and smart!Dean is a not-so-secret kink of mine. Jensen looked really good this episode, seems like he must be finally feeling better. Also loved Sam’s bedhead, I just wanted to tuck him away under the blankets and read him to sleep.
How beautiful was the relationship between Charlie and her mom by the way? Another brilliant decision there. So, so real. I just know had Charlie’s mom survived she would have completely supported her daughter. Love it!
Good job SPN Crew! Wonderful way to return from a torturous hiatus!