All the Cool Kids are doing it...

Apr 04, 2012 22:48

Hey Folks!

Okay, this is gonna sound silly but I kinda knew (and wished) this was coming... I think especially after the crap that she's pulled this season. I posted over at spn_party and feel guilty about what I wrote, because I couldn't edit it. Someone already responded... Anyway... I'm not getting bashed or anything but I don't want to add to the hate.

As my common readers/responders will know I haven't exactly been subtle about my dissatisfaction with Gamble's take on the show. But I don't hate her.

My reasons:

She's been markedly Sam-centric and has over emphasised the Sam-whump... It's like she's put every fangirl fantasy of Sam she's had into this season. Now, let me say I love Sam, I really, really do, but other characters shouldn't be sacrificed to illustrate that love in the show. I mean, Castiel's character has gone completely out of control in Season Six and Seven, Edlund tried to redeem him a bit in 6.20 and the end of 7.02 but Sera just didn't seem to go for it. There was almost hope for Cas at the end of the most recent episode... almost. Now with season seven he's probably been mentioned a total of ten times in 18 flipping episodes and that is just not cool.

Not to mention Dean (imo) has been completely OOC since the beginning of this season and the end of last. I mean Kripke worked so hard to build and construct Dean as a truly relatable character in the show but now everyone is hating on my first baby! At least Jensen's acting is still fantastic and he's pulling in more elements of the Dean we all loved in the first five seasons. Jensen is Dean when it comes right down to it, I don't think any other actor could ever do him justice.

Anyway, so yeah, so many people have been angry and disappointed with the show and though I have no first hand evidence I seem to feel as if the actors and other crew members are disheartened by the turn. As a show runner, I was not pleased with Sera and she gave me so much hope in the beginning because and here's what I want to emphasize, she is a good writer, really. Her pre-season six stuff was quite good. I just think her talents are better reserved for one-off episodes here and there when she doesn't have to worry about an entire season.

That said, I would like her to write again, with the show out of her hands she could probably devote the attention to the scripts that she couldn't this year. So I feel a little guilty for my dislike of Gamble this year, but I think handing the reigns over to Mr. Carver is probably the best decision that's been made lately. Maybe Carver will get Edlund in for more episodes. If this happens, my world will be happy and shiny again. Edlund gave us Destiel people and Carver helped!

So in conclusion, my reaction the Gamble news? Joy.

Fingers crossed for next year, my dears! Make us proud Jeremy Carver! Make us proud!

Rant/Reaction Concluded

reaction post, fandom: supernatural, musings

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