Canadian, eh?

Mar 21, 2012 13:40

Oh my gosh guys, I didn't realize how Canadian I was in my writing! I was looking up Canadian phrases just for the heck of it, because I actually didn't know which phrases were uniquely Canadian. So I'm sorry!

A few I realized I have used in my writing:

Pop = soda pop
2-4 = Case of beer - 24 bottles
Mickey = um... pint? I think they said and also;
Half-Micky = half a pint
Rye = Whiskey (typically Crown Royal also "Crown" and occasionally Canadian Club or "CC")
Chocolate bar = Candy bar (I had no idea about this one)

And one that really, really threw me:

Washroom = bathroom/restroom; for us bathroom implies that there is a shower and/or bathtub in the room. Washroom is generally a sink and a toilet (half-bath) but can also be used when referring to a full-bath. Washroom is also pretty well uniform when referring to this necessary room in restaurants or stores. "Excuse me, do you have a washroom I can use?/Where is the washroom?"

So there you go, things that make you go: "Huh."

If I ever use any Canadian phrases any of you lovely readers don't know, just let me know and I'll tell you. Like I said, I sometimes don't even realize that they are strictly Canadian.

fanfic thoughts, things that make you go: "huh", musings, writing, canada

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