Not many this week. I was in Washington DC for four days.
[3]Phantom of the Opera
[2]Final Fantasy 7
[3]Final Fantasy 10
[1]Final Fantasy 10-2
[14]COLLECTION : Emmy Rossum in Vogue
[1]Don't steal my icons.
[2]If you take, don't credit as yours. Credit to stolen_bliss.
[3]Comments Rock.
[4]Sharing is caring! Do share!
[5]When you comment to say that you took some, please inform me of WHICH ONES YOU TOOK unless you took a lot. This way, I know what goes and what doesn't. Thanks.
[6]If the icon looks like a base, it probably isn't. If you want to add text, PLEASE LEAVE A COMMENT. I might let you, or I might ask to do the request myself. Depends on my mood.
[Phantom of the Opera]
[Final Fantasy 7]
[Final Fantasy 10]
[Final Fantasy 10-2]
[COLLECTION : Emmy Rossum in Vogue]
[1] & [2] : I'm not awesomely fond of these one...but they're alright. They're just really simple for me. There's not a single brush on it! (The only difference : [2] has tiny decorative font underneath.)
[3] : ARGH! I LOVE THIS ONE SO MUCH! My favorite Phantom icon yet and one of my favorite ones ever. Oh, and it's not "wax-like blood." I was comparing the wax to blood.
[4] : A simplistic icon I like! This seriously took me five minutes. Maybe less, now that I think about it.
[6] : I do love this icon. So pretty. It's jis...GUH.
[7] : Icky.
[8] : This was completely experimental, trust me. I just saw this quote (SONG CREDIT : "Adrenaline" Gavin Rossdale), and this was the first thing I thought of : the Zanarkand Journey scene from FFX. All the pyreflies...that's where the color thing came from. I sorta like it, sorta don't.
[9] : I loved this one when I first made it. Not so much anymore.
[10] - [23] : This is the second attempt at making icons by just changing the pictures. Last weeks didn't work out so well. That's okay -- they were ugly anyway. :D These are MUCH prettier!