I just had a good night. Well, a good week.
[1] Eagle Cheer
[7] FF10-2 (Yuna)
[1]Don't steal my icons.
[2]If you take, don't credit as yours. Credit to stolen_bliss.
[3]Comments Rock.
[4]Sharing is caring! Do share!
[5]When you comment to say that you took some, please inform me of WHICH ONES YOU TOOK unless you took a lot. This way, I know what goes and what doesn't. Thanks.
[6]If the icon looks like a base, it probably isn't. If you want to add text, PLEASE LEAVE A COMMENT. I might let you, or I might ask to do the request myself. Depends on my mood.
[Eagle Cheer]
[FF10-2 (Yuna)]
[all icons except for [6]] : I LOVE THESE! SO much! So beautiful this week!
[1] : 'Cuz well, you should. State Championships, here we come!
[2], [3], & [4] : I LOVE THESE ICONS! SONG CREDIT : "New American Classic" Taking Back Sunday
[5] : SONG CREDIT : "Little" Something Corporate
[6] : This one didn't turn out as well as planned. I don't like the coloring. SONG CREDIT : "New American Classic" Taking Back Sunday
[8] : SONG CREDIT : Ermm...Some song by The Postal Service. I forgot what song exactly.