Jul 05, 2004 18:08
So we went to Cedar Point on Friday. It was tons of fun, until we went on the water rides and got totally soaked, and were miserable as hell...but beside that it was cool. Gary didn't go on anything but me and Nicole went on pratically everything. We didnt go on the Millenium Force tho. I wanted to but Nicole didn't. She went on the Wicked Twister with me tho, and it scared the shit out of her. I love that roller coaster.
Gary's dad got us season passes for Cedar Point, and we figured out we can also use them at Michigan Adventure, which is in Muskegon. That park has a water park area which is also the same park, so we dont have to pay extra to get in like we would to Soak City. Gary's parents want to make a weekend out of it and go to the park and camp too. Theres a campground like right next to the park I guess.
The 4th was alright I guess. The fireworks weren't quite what I expected...prolly cuz me and Gary got there late. But the finale was tight. I had fun beside that anyway. Yesterday was also mine and Gary's 11 month anniversary, which means only one more month and we'll have been together ONE YEAR!! I can't wait. I love him a lot.
Hmm...I'm trying to think of something else to write about, but there isn't anything. So I guess I'm going to go look for a new layout, and I want to go back to friends only. There is this weird guy I met on The Sims Online and somehow he got my old journal, and so I made a new one and im going to make it so he can't talk to me anymore. So I'm off.
[A]ge: 18
[B]alls: um, no
[C]ock: no
[D]ad's name: Richard
[E]cstasy: no.
[F]avorite actor: Kate Hudson
[G]irls G-spot: I guess I have one...
[H]omestate: Michigan
[I]nstruments you play: none
[J]ob: looking
[K]ids: NONE
[L]iving arrangements: My place of residency is at my parents house but I spend more time at Gary's house.
[M]other's name: Norma
[N]umber of people you`ve slept with: 1
[O]rgasms: wtf...?
[P]hobia: Spiders
[Q]uazi Moto: No. not the hunchback of Notre Dame!
[R]ide you have: '97 Pontiac Sunfire, Red
[S]oap you like: Dove?
[T]ime you wake up: when I roll outta bed
[U]nibrow: No.
[V]iagra: No thank you
[W]orst habit's: my computer
[X]-rays you've had: teeth, nose, foot
[Y]ummy food you make: Ramen Noodles
[Z]odiac Sign: Sagittarius