Title: Gayvention
Characters: Kira Hummel and Rachel Berry (with mention of Kurt Hummel, Mercedes Jones, and Tina Cohen-Chang)
Pairing: None
Verse: Open
Word Count: 517
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: None
Summary: Rachel decides to prepare for her Gayvention by doing a little homework
Notes: It always bothered me that Rachel and Tina told Mercedes that Kurt was gay, especially since at the end of the episode, Kurt tells Mercedes that he has never told anyone (though I assume in certain verses he has told his mother -- but she is special and magical). So it made me think of this.
Kira hated to admit it, but she actually jumped a bit when she closed her locker door to find Rachel standing there. Seriously. How did she do that?
"I need your help."
"If it's about your clothes...you're better off going to Kurt." Cause really, Kira didn't know nearly enough about fashion to help Rachel. And by nearly enough what she really meant was that she knew nothing at all. Most days Kurt still tried to dress her. He didn't succeed, but he tried.
"No. It's not about my clothes." And at that Rachel looked a little offended. Just what was wrong with her clothes? She liked the way she dressed. It was subtle. Classic. Or so she thought. "It's about Kurt."
"Oh. Well, whatever he said to you, I'm sure he didn't mean it." Lies. Kurt meant everything he said. But maybe if she told Rachel that, the other girl wouldn't start talking at her.
It wasn't that Kira didn't like Rachel. She did. At least as much as anyone could like Rachel. She could be a bit…well…insufferable. But as Kira wasn't in Glee Club she didn't have to deal with the most annoying facets of the other girl's personality. It made her a bit easier to take.
Unfortunately, Kurt's biting wit wasn't the issue this time. No this time it was Kurt himself. "He's gay, right?"
"Kurt. He's gay."
"I…" Kira frowned, realizing that she didn't quite know what to say to that. Was Kurt gay? A very large part of her wanted to say yes, he was. His clothes, his bitchtastic diva attitude, the way he occasionally stared at Finn Hudson from across the cafeteria…
But then he had never actually said he was gay. In fact, Kurt had never really said anything about liking people one way or the other. "Why are you asking me this?"
"Mercedes. She likes him. Like…likes him. And if Kurt's doesn't swing that way, well…I just don't want to see her get hurt. So Tina and I thought we could have a…"
"Okay, Rachel…let me stop you there." Kira readjusted her bag, giving Rachel a look she could only have learned from the boy they were currently discussing. "I don't want to know. I don't want to know what insane plot you've cooked up. Whatever it is. It's a bad idea."
"Bad idea. And honestly, I don't really want to talk about this."
Rachel frowned, a slight huff escaping her lips. "If you're uncomfortable, I understand. A lot of people have a hard time dealing with their family members being…"
"I'm not uncomfortable. I just don't want to talk about it." Because she didn't know. And she wasn't sure if she was supposed to know and she didn't like that she wasn't sure. Kurt was her brother. They were part of a set. Wasn't she supposed to know? "Look, this has been fun. Really. But I gotta go…"
And with that, she was off -- headed down to the hall to a class she was sure not to pay attention to.