Blah. I try to update daily. I've been renting movies like crazy so thats all i do. I finshed all of bones season 1, 2 dvds of criminal minds, i watched the holiday yesterday, Scoop today, and I started fast food nation but wasn't into it, so i stopped for now. I also have the science of sleep to watch. I woke up today, got ready for work, but my grandma didn't come/call so i laid down to watch a movie with my sister, but then my grandmother did come. we cleaned, ate our subs, then went to cvs where i bought hair dye and got my film that was developed from my retinette. I wanted to dye the green out because I dindt have hair dye anymore, and I was going to a family meeting tomorrow and felt like changing it out of respect for my aunt. Who I really love. I got my grandmother to dye it, i showered, and we left to the salon. I got my hair cut a little [nothing drastic, just some layers] and then she blowdryed/straightened it. my grandma paid, which is great. I'm broke. Can't pay. Technically, I have $118, which is a lot for me. But I paid for my capoeira, and my mom hasn't paid me back yet, so I really only have $40. Buuuuut, $50 of that $118 is going to my ebay bids, and $45 is going to pay the sidekick because my dads a deadbeat, annnd then..I technically only have $30 something. i can't do the math right now. Errrr. My aunt and uncle called when I was getting my hair cut, and they canceled on me. Well, not really. But, yeah, I have no plans for tomorrow. Well, the guy I'm kinda seducing named well..we call him Tarzan. He invited me up to Jupiter for a beach thing, since he surfs. But I told him no. So, no plans. Yeah. Heres some photos
the sister
thats branca, my capoeira mestre. He came over on atilas birthday..which was wednesday. he turns 11.
he was doing this
which is a no-hand cartwheel, but i fucked up the shot.
bitchy, tony's daughter..thats her boyfriend. Diana. [kidding]
a girl from my school
on friday, we were outside sitting and talking, and all of a sudden it rains. not only rains, but POURS. so i took some photos.
the kids, of course, go swimming.