app for planeocracy

Aug 07, 2011 19:19

Player Name: Effy
Character Name: Mao
Canon: Disgaea 3

Background: Ah, links. You make my life easier.

Setting Information:

The Netherworld

Ability Changes: ...It's the Netherworld. Any and all powers are kept here, although you will now be able to read titles, among other things. And yes, levels exist here.
Ability Limitations: One word and a number: Level 9999. No, seriously. This world can get that powerful.
Form Restrictions: For the most part, they can keep their normal appearances, but some can, under some extraordinary circumstances, slowly change into demons (as in Almaz's case, though it was because Mao stole his title).
Social Restrictions: This world is filled to the brim with demons who want to be the most evil one possible. Their idea of evil does leave something to be desired, though. Also, it seems to run off of video game mechanisms...
Notes: Warning: Evil laughter will damage your eardrums; Warning: The cuter the demon, the better it can kick your ass; Warning: OVERKILL; Warning: The higher the level, the bigger the explosions; Warning: Seems to run off of video game mechanisms; Warning: Please do not call the tiny demons "tiny", they will hurt you; Warning: Fourth wall, what fourth wall; Warning: Tsundere noble demons are surprisingly common
Additional Information:

Portal Location: In Mao's office


Basically, he's a mad scientist otaku who also happens to be a bit of a tsundere noble demon. There, done.

...No, wait, just kidding.

It's true that Mao is a mad scientist otaku who happens to be a bit of a tsundere noble demon. However, those few words are not enough to accurately sum up his personality.

Let me start off by saying that he's a demon, and the Overlord and Dean of Evil Academy at that, plus the Number One Honor Student (which, in the Netherworld, means the student who has a perfect truancy record) as well. Thus, he considers himself to be the epitome of a demon, an evil, powerful Overlord that can slaughter all in his way. In reality, though, although he's quite powerful...well, he's also a bit of a noble demon. I say a bit because as of right now he's experimenting on (and planning to brainwash) a superhero in his lab, but said superhero did deserve it.

In case you haven't noticed, he's a mad scientist who really, really, really likes experiments. No, seriously. He drools when there's something strange (and, in his view, wonderful) in his vicinity, even if it freaks people out. He has no compunctions against making his intentions clear to anyone, either, be it outright announcing exactly what he's going to do (and unknowingly wording it suggestively) or just plain groping, personal space be damned. No, seriously. Let this be a warning to all you Agents, Enforcers and Councilors: it doesn't matter who you are, as long as you've got something that Mao finds interesting, your personal space will be violated. In the name of science.

I also mentioned he's an otaku. Well, don't let his vehement denials fool you, he isn't just keeping that comic book/video game/anime/manga/super hero film collection around for research. On some level, he actually does like it, as seen when he asks for a superhero's autograph in exchange for giving away his dad's location and weak points, and when he completely freaks out when "that" (being said collection) is stolen by the legendary Overlord Baal in the post-game. Thanks to that, he has an extensive knowledge of video game mechanics and could be considered Genre Savvy (although it doesn't much work in his world).

Oh, yeah, I almost forgot. Being a demon, he's inclined to break the rules a lot, especially when they get in his way. What I didn't mention, though, was that he'd also break the rules of being a demon if they also get in his way or if doing so would further his goals. A case in point would be when he rescued his delinquent rival, Raspberyl, from being brainwashed by the PTA, despite the fact that doing so would knock him out of the running of the Freshman Class Leader Election (which basically consists of demons beating each other up to get the position), because he thought crushing the PTA was a more evil and demonic action to take. And he had to rescue his rival but he will never admit that. Another would be the fact that he took the title of a hero (Almaz's homemade title, to be exact) in order to be able to defeat his father, the Overlord, because he thought that only a hero could defeat an Overlord.

Also, he's pretty intelligent, though that's already kinda obvious. He may boast of a 1.8 million EQ, but believe me, he really is very smart (he's a mad scientist, for crying out loud). He's just very lazy and prefers to do things the easy way, as he doesn't really like having to get level grinding in his games or anything. This has resulted in, among other things, cooking a dragon egg sunny-side-up in order to open his heart easily, which is something demons don't really do all that well and resulted in him hating hot sauce. You could say he's an intelligent idiot.

You'll notice that I said that he gave his father's location and weak points to a superhero, and that he wanted to be able to defeat him. Well, it's a long story, but basically, his dad crushed his SlayStation Portable (and destroyed 4 million hours of gameplay) by accident. This was routine, and the rages that followed from Mao once he discovered it were also, I assume, pretty routine as well. What wasn't was the arrival of a superhero, looking for the strongest Overlord so he could finally die. That just so happened to be Mao's dad, and for an autograph, he gave away his father's location and weak points. Yes, he was that angry over the SlayStation Portable, but he really did love his dad.

So it pretty much broke him when he discovered that the superhero killed his dad, something definitely contrary to what he had learned about heroes. This resulted in a lot of guilt and him literally burying the memory, using the Heart Bank. Over the next 200 years, he lived under the belief that his father was still alive and that he had to defeat him for the 4 million hours of gameplay that had been crushed along with his SlayStation Portable, while the superhero masqueraded as his butler and tried to mold him into what he perceived to be an ideal Overlord. This failed, and now said superhero is in his lab.

However, this shows a pretty important aspect in his development: before he acquired friends, he would bury traumatic memories as far as he could and forget about them, essentially running away from them. Over the course of the game, though, he soon came to terms with his dad's death, allowing his father's ghost to pass on to the next life and opening his heart, signifying that he's finally accepted everything and is now willing to move on and trust others. Now, when he goes through something particularly hard, he'll push through and deal with it, rather than running away and ignoring the problem. there, we're done. Mao's a mad scientist otaku that is also a tsundere noble demon. Also, he has an awesome evil laugh, but that's just me.

Abilities and Powers:

...oh, jeez.

At this point in the post-game (which is right before encountering Axel), I'd think that Mao's level is, at the very least, somewhere in the thousand range. He's also pretty proficient in using swords, though he can use a spear and an ax and can cast Ice spells, up to Omega tier.

His unique skills as of Disgaea 3, however, are:

Blast Finger - He throws his weapon into the air, covers his hand in green energy, charges at his foe and releases said energy at point-blank range (read: in their face). I'll probably play with variations of this move, but this is the one shown in the game itself.

Shine Beam - He throws his weapon into the air, covers his hand in white energy and releases it in the form of various beams that attack the enemy from all sides, increasing in size and speed.

Vasa Aergun - The big one. He transforms into a giant monster and hits his enemy for massive damage. You bet I'll find ways to have him take advantage of his form in this attack. However, it does drain him of a lot of energy, and I believe he doesn't use this unless necessary or when he just feels like it.

Reason for Joining: He just wants to experiment on as many people as possible. This'll range from simply invading their personal space to full-on experimentation. Also, he kind of wants to meet superheroes and stuff.

Position Desired: Enforcer. I say Enforcer because Mao has had some experience leading people into battle (not to mention his current position as Overlord), and can also boss them around if need be. He'll organize teams, of course, but it'll be with a lot of reluctance and bossing around of those below him. If that isn't enough, I'm willing to have him be a simple Agent, though!

Point in Canon: During the post-game, before fighting Axel.

Notes: Okay, so. Mao is an otaku and a comic book geek, which means that he can identify characters if he's played/read/watched their canon before. Is it okay if he tries to use this knowledge to his advantage? I'll make sure to ask players if they're okay with it before fourth-walling them, though!

Sample Post:

owww my poor fingers, !app, @planeocracy, !ooc

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