
Mar 04, 2011 21:28

The ultimate expression of life is love.

Those who deny this, deny themselves. Those who embrace this live full heart-filled lives, yet are more susceptible to life's pitfalls. Those who truly understand love and it's significance embrace the notion that "it is better to have lived and loved, than to have not loved at all."

I only wish that true love was less uncommon, more attainable, more of an expectation. But that's the way all of life's most precious wonders are: unexplainable, unexpected, and generally surprising. I suppose that is the allure of love, even for those who chose to deny it's benefits: somewhere, someone, somehow is experiencing life's ultimate reward: love. Human nature requires that we all seek to somehow differentiate and/or better ourselves compared to others to justify ourselves in this world. Life is a confusing thing, and only one thing can provide solace and peace; this one thing is love. When you find it, when you truly find it, it is imperative that you never neglect it, you always cherish it, and you put aside any petty nuances that attempt to diminish it. Know that love, as the ultimate expression of life, is the best you can ever achieve despite anything else that happens in this life.
I write this now as a man with admitted faults, with a clear conscience in life, and the realization that life is imperfect. I write this with a longing and my own personal desire to bring meaning to my life, to realize my own life's potential. I value the gift of love to such an extreme that I will stop at nothing to find what can make me appreciate life beyond my current comprehension. It is my resolve for this that keeps me going in this life. It is my resolve for this that provides me with a compassion for life. I can only imagine the zest I could have for life, and the unbelieveable potential that could unlock for me and others, if I were to experience true love.
For those of you who have already found true love, never forget or take for granted this ultimate gift of life. Use it to enrich your life, and in turn, the lives of others. Remember that only love lasts....always and forever.
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