There's just so much to say about this week's ep that I can barely get my thoughts together: I'll start here though.
Everything about this ep was just so damn perfect: from the Nick/Sara scenes, to the absence of Grissom. It was nice just having the four of them on the case, and the four of them looking out for each other; we haven't had a chance to see that since Greg became a CSI, in face the last case that comes to mind with just the 'junior' CSIs is in A Night at the Movie (you can tell me if I'm wrong).
I honestly believe Sara was just trying to be a good friend, and she was trying to protect him from getting hurt. Because at the end, you could tell she was just as emotionally invested as he was, (she was near tears during the last interrogation). She just didn't want him to get hurt if Cassie wasn't alive. Even at the dock, she told him straight up what she thought, she didn't get mad and after it was said, she went right on helping him. You knew she understood how he was feeling, (because she's been there), and just want to make sure he was okay.
This was the first ep with Nick openly talking about GD, and they handled it perfectly, it wasn't in great detail, but the smile "I was found," summed up everything he was feeling.
*hugs Greg for being a grown up* He's handling everything around him so well, I love him more and more every week.
This was the first Grissom-less ep ever, and he wasn't missed. I mean that in the best way possible; the show wasn't empty without him, and it was a wonderful ep without him there. That said, I think this role worked much better with Nick, the hospital scene was made for Nick. I don't know how much got changed because of the switch, but I can say that the writers did a wonderful job with it.
One thing I've loved about this, is that it went from being the ep everyone dreaded to something so much more. And we finally got some Nick/Sara moments and N/S GD moments. Someone on one of my other CSI comms said that it was a metaphor when Nick jumped into the water and he wasn't in over his head; he could handle it just fine. And I have to agree.