Title: Just Tonks
Rating: PG13 [overall]
Characters Tonks, various Weasleys
Notes: This is my first time really writing these characters, and feedback would be lovely. Feel free to point out any glaring errors, in spelling, grammar, character design...etc.
Summary: One year of Tonks time at Hogwarts for each chapter...
Year One: Aboard the Hogwart's Express )
Now I'll just go away for a minute and rant against Bill. I don't know why I dislike that kid so much, I just do >_>;
You don't like Bill? My Bill, or Bill in general? lol Was it something he said?
Thanks so much for your comments. I wasn't sure if I would get much of anything on this story.
No, Bill in general. It's Harry's fault, how he described him as cool. I took an instant dislike of him. Besides he gives off massive Gary Stu vibe. He's the very smart boy who got all those NEWTS, he does the amazingly cool Indiana Johnes like job, has those long hair and earrings thing to show off how cool he is. And everybody likes him, really, does he have any flaw ? *sporks* Wannabe.
I love your writing ! I'm always willing to read it ^^
and, you make me blush, I'm so glad you like to read my writing!
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