Jan 17, 2009 18:32
Presumably, our pups have lives that happen when we aren't playing them, as none of us can play 24/7. Some of the things that happen are tedious and everyday, and not worth thinking much on: It's fair to assume they eat, bathe, go to "work" or school as it applies, etc. But there might be things that happen between pups that, while not necessarily requiring a thread, are important to note for the sake of development.
Bush has been here since almost the beginning and has been involved in a lot of things, though he isn't always particularly sociable. Still, there's a pretty good chance you know him if
-You're on the IPD or have been in the past
-You're a member of the Dawn Treader crew
-You're a member of the building crew
-You live in the Hidden Hamlet
-He also takes custom requests for furniture and sometimes brings pre-made things to the marketplace.
-And finally, Bush is the guy that organized the initial disastrous attempt to sail away from the island, if if you've heard that story, you've probably heard of him, even if you don't realize it. :P