Nov 21, 2006 13:48
Dated for Friday, November 24
Bush still wasn’t entirely sure how he had been talked into this.
All right, all right, so he did know. For when one’s good friends asks one to look after a pair of children for a few days so that he can get away - well, it’s difficult to say no. Even when one hardly knows said children and suspects that one hasn’t the slightest clue what to do with them. Even when one is slightly terrified that this might just be a disaster waiting to happen.
Thank God for Archie, really.
The sticky, steady drumming of the tropical torrent beat against the roof of Archie and William’s hut, leaving the four trapped inside for the time being. For the moment Scout and Christopher Robin seemed to be keeping themselves entertained, but in the small space that wasn’t apt to last long. William sat somewhat awkwardly in the corner and chipped away idly at a piece of wood, periodically casting a glance at the two children.
christopher robin