Mosh Pits and What Not

Mar 17, 2006 00:03

Wow. Just went to my first concert evar. Kinda have mixed feelings about it. For the most part it consisted of crappy mainstream pop-punk bands with a mediocre sound and mediocre lyrics, wrapping it all up with an acoustic Hawthorne Heights mini-concert. I mean who listens to Hawthorne Heights anyway? I hate the radio and have given up on Mtv. I guess the whole world does except for me because I'd never heard any of their songs and could much less sing their sucky lyrics, though I must admit I'm a sucker for acoustic music. Apparently, no one else liked it since it meant no moshing. Wow. Moshing. That was an experience in itself. Me, who never went to a concert before being forced into a mosh pit. I'll attempt to reenact this via typing:

MOSH PIT: *right smack dab in the middle of the goddamn crowd*
ME: *right smack dab on the edge of it* Why God?
CROWD: *sways in repercussions of RAWAWAWR's and *jabs** WEEEEEEEEE.
ME: eeeeep...*swaying on edge of mosh pit*
RANDOM 45-YEAR OLD FAT LADY: *punch jabs* a fifteen year old. RAAWWAWAWAWAWAWAR.
HER DAUGHTER: does the same.
TALL SCARY SECURITY DUDE: *busts out his crazy security dude moves*
ME: *nearly gets knocked over*
ME: *rejoices to meself* YAY!

Well...good part of the ordeal: gorgeous lead singer of this local band Lannen Fall. Oh yes.

Wow it's late. I have to get up early tomorrow and go wait for the mail guy to get my decision letter from NMH that I was supposed to have gotten a week ago. Thanks to a certain someone they mail key's at Hebron and I have no access to it. Damn it...I just want my goddamn letter.

Am feeling completely unoriginal and slightly depressed after talking to "God" for an hour on the phone about Brazil.

That's my cue to go to bed.
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