Sep 21, 2004 03:59
Okay... I'm getting a new domain soon:
Yay... I'll probably have a blog on there, so I don't have to post here anymore. >_>;
I think I'll put outtakes on there as well...... and other art that I've never shown anywhere... because I draw Auron all the time. x.x;
Um... yeah... that's about it. Maybe I won't even make a blog, it's not like anyone really gives a shit, and even if they do, they won't leave comments anyway. So... maybe I'll just turn it into a "newspaper" type thing with articles of my opinions on whatever, and not let anyone comment, because they won't anyway! Heh heh...
That sounds like my best bet. Besides, I don't want anyone giving me their two cents on what they have to say about my rantings. I'll hear about it anyway, I'm sure. *rolling eyes*
That way, I can freely state MY opinions, and they'll just have to suck it up and take it, like I take their opinions. >P Pff.
Um let's see... feeling pretty bitchy... probably because I'm tired. x_x
I got my glasses today, not that any of you care, and I'm basically talking to myself. -_- I see A LOT better than I did of course. It's such a huge difference. I never realized how blurry my vision was until I slipped the glasses on my face.
I've gotta get used to the pressure on the bridge of my nose again... along with the irritation of something curling behind my ears.
What else... um... I'm really happy about the new RPG: Worlds Apart, with actually participating in it, and having a part in its creation. It's really fun.
Watching Overboard with Goldie and Kurt... if I were feeling awake, I'd probably enjoy it a little more. @@
I think I'm going to draw some more Auron pictures. No drag, no casual clothing... just Auron in his usual red robe and all that. It just occured to me that I have only two pictures with him in his official clothes. How sad... I think I'm going to bust out the Hogarth: Drawing the Human head book too, and work on my skill. It's been a while... I'm gettin' a little rusty. I may as well work on Auron's face too. I draw him well, but I've noticed that I have my own style of him, and sometimes doesn't even look like him, maybe just his hair, and the creases from his nose to the corners of his lips... hmm... I'll just need to work from the Nomura picture... that's always a good start.
I'm waiting to get flamed on DeviantArt for the picture of Seymour I submitted. v.v So far, no one has flamed me, which is strange... and yet, I can't really be displeased, I mean... I did post some pictures of Auron in drag, and didn't get flamed. Most of them laughed. XD Which is good, I'm glad I can make people laugh with my artwork.....
I should just go nuts and draw everything that comes to mind. My fanart is the only thing that draws people to my site anyway, they don't care about the worded content. I have 40 pieces of art of Auron alone, and about 16 Seymour pieces that I haven't placed anywhere. @@ Maybe I'll get to like, 50 and celebrate...... I can't wait until I've drawn 100 pictures of Auron. That'll definitely need some celebration. Being the world's #1 Auron Fanatic...... there's the pride!
I think I'll brag now, I have rights to do so.
I've drawn 36 Auron pictures. 1 Chibi, and 3 manipulation edits. 12 others which are paired with Seymour. *gives self a pat on the back*
I've seen only one artist that rivals my Auron artwork. I think he's a guy, and he's Japanese...... and even then... he still sucks with Auron's profile, noting that most of his pieces are of Auron with his face covered by the cowl. I don't judge talent that way... but, how hard is it, to draw Auron's hair, his nose bridge, ears and eye(s)? The rest is covered by the cowl, there wouldn't be any worries of proportions and such...
That's it... so far, it looks like I have the largest collection of Auron drawings that were well drawn, thought out, and realistic at the same time. No chibis(which take hardly any talent to begin with), and all done by hand, and then made digital by a wacom pen tablet. Oooh. Aaah.
Which leads me to explain why I don't take kindly to people trashing my artwork. I always have to think: "Can you do better?! If you can, I'd like to see it!" It's the same with say, a Latin person. What right would I have to butcher their skill, when I know jack-shit about the subject. The Latin Major has every right to tear up anyone elses skill in the field. Same thing with my artwork.
It's a little arrogant, but I've been around the art block many times, and I've had to deal with a lot of crap on the way, so... for those of you that want to critisize my artwork, it better be good, or I'll make you wish that you hadn't found any mistakes at all. If you draw fanart, you'll be under my radar. You'll get yours. Heheheheheheheheheheh heh!
Okay... I think I'm done... I'm never going to get to those Auron pictures at this rate. @@ I'm probably just buying time until 'manda wants to go to bed. I'm dawg tired.... must take glasses off... pajamas are calling me... so is the pillow...... mmm lavender....