Jan 15, 2010 19:44
after having annoyed my mum by my whining about my stupid studies for quite some time, she forced me to see an occupational counsellor last week. He seemed charismatic and all
he did lots of test with me, one of which included rating like half of the lectures swiss unis offer by how much they interest me. Although I am skeptical, I do hope he can help me.
but what would go to the eth mean? leaving university of bern's take-it-easy ways for arrogant eth. leaving pitturesque bern and moving to zurich. leaving the sound of the wonderful bernese dialect for all of this horrible "nöd, ränne, häsch mer en stutz". leaving hilarous, down to earth, alternative bernese people for bahnhofstrasse girls. leaving my amazing flat and flatmates and looking for a new, probably ugly and overpriced room somewhere in the ghetto. leaving my darling julia, tamara, luzia and cili and starting all over again, knowing nobody. and who knows, maybe I would fail the basisprüfing, or, considering my hans-im-schneggeloch syndrom, maybe I wouldnt be happy with my studies there either. which would leave me just where I started. bin so klug als wie zuvor.
on the other hand I'd be nearer to other friends like info, widi, anna, stephi, nela. who knows, maybe I'd love my studies. I'd have an unchanging schedule like everybody else,could therefore do a parttime job. more vacations. I could do semesters abroad, and not only in aachen. I could inscribe at their amazing language center. maybe I would be satisfied for once.
but maybe not. I'm confused and insecure. worse than the worst teenager.
what shall I do what shall I do what shall I do?