May 19, 2005 18:08
I cant believe how much the baby has changed already. Ive spent most of my home days over my sister's in awe of this tiny new thing. She is beautiful and her facial expressions crack me up. Other than that, I hope Bo wins American Idol, Carrie is good but I love Bo. Ive been so lazy, not working yet cuz my sister needs a lot of help since she had surgery last week. Ive talked to a few people from school, missin my Techies. I saw Monster In Law, it was funny, kinda cheesy. My sisters boyfriend tried to kill me, all 275 lbs of him sat on me ahhhhh. He says Im too picky with guys and thats why im still single. I dont think im picky at all, thus why i always get the wrong guys. Got my grades, 2 b's and a c, im happy with that. Yea, im boring. People should come visit me.