its your heart that takes the fall...

Apr 20, 2005 19:10

Ok, so this weekend..hmm...Whitey is grounded thats all I'm gonna say about that. It's a funny incident... now, wasnt so funny this weekend. If you know, you know, if you dont, I'm not saying anything else about it. So Monday night I went to Zete since we didnt have school tuesday, had a good time. Yesterday went out to the quad, climbed the rock ( Read more... )

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stoddardhottie April 21 2005, 19:22:49 UTC
First off, whoever keeps commenting anonymously, leave your name or stop posting, this is my journal not your little playground. And I'm not totally disagreeing with Michelle either. I'm not associated with any church whatsoever but I could get married tomorrow if I wanted to, and I'd be legally married. If marriage is going to be defined as religious, good then civil unions for EVERYONE. I shouldnt be able to be married either if thats the case and I'm fine with that. Goverments cant discriminate and cant blur the line between church and state when its convenient for them. Im not saying marriage isnt considered by some something religious, its people like mr anonymous who has his head up his ass by thinking asking for equality is something special, thats who i meant by that comment, not conservatives in general. And personally, my brother is in Iraq, has been for a while and probably will continue to be, and why? My brother has the chance to potentially lose his life for something stupid like oil. Good, if there's a threat, we should ( ... )


stoddardhottie April 21 2005, 20:02:44 UTC
"this is where i express how i feel so if you dont agree i personally dont give a fuck."

college liberals... closed mined?? nah, no way!

But whatever, if you don't want anyone with a different opinion than you to post, then I won't post anymore. I figured you sounded like someone that would be able to intelligently debate someone without getting all pissed off, I guess I was wrong. I'm sorry for intruding on your journal.


stoddardhottie April 21 2005, 23:24:10 UTC
Good you should be, me writing in my own journal about how I feel does not make me close minded, you want to write how you feel, get your own livejournal, I dont give a fuck how you feel, my friends wouldnt be too scared to at least tell me who they are even if they disagree. Michelle doesnt totally agree with me and yet i give her credit enough for being able to not back down and leave her name next to her opinion. And she's a friend of mine from back home, so I get along just fine with conservatives and people who differ in opinion than me. Its a fact of life. You're a coward. I can intelligently debate, you just lack any good points with any reason behind them. Stop posting in my journal.


stoddardhottie April 22 2005, 00:05:54 UTC
Sorry, I actually meant to say who I was in my original post but I hit submit by mistake, then you immediately responded and went off on me about how I'm close minded and an idiot because I didn't leave my name. So after that it would just have been awkward to say who I am. The only reason I posted under anonymous was because I don't have a livejournal account.

And as far as me "lacking good points with any reason", almost every sentence I said in my previous posts had logic and reasoning behind them, clearly stated in each post. Once again I guess good points in your mind means "points that you believe in" as opposed to "well structured points". I wasn't going to post anymore but then you called me a coward and insulted my reasoning.


daubachsgirl23 April 21 2005, 23:53:01 UTC
any anonymous posters should leave their names. not doing so is silly. if you have an opinion, own up to it.


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