What a week

Jun 13, 2007 17:46

I write that and its only Wednesday. I have had a hell of a week at Head Start.  The drama is getting to me.  Let me start from the beginning.

As the Health Manager, i am supervisior to the entire kitchen staff, and the consultants which in all is 6 people.  My 3 for the kitchen staff are fairly good people, they dont ususally give me crap.  About 3 weeks ago i had one of them ask me if she would take 6 weeks off in the summer to travel and such. Shes 70 and has been working every summer and wanted some time to relax. I talked to our director and told her (Dora) that if she wants to take off she can AS LONG as the other 2 staff members are willing to work.  She talked with them, and so did i personally. The one lady Melissa said she was fine with everything. The other Lejoyce said ok she would work the full 6 weeks this summer.  I wrote out the memo and explained it to lejoyce again and sent it off to human resources to change the schedule.  ::side note: only the managers are at head start during the summer, everyone else is laid off for 6-8 weeks.::   So that was settled And Dora was thrilled cause she was ready to plan trips, etc.

I literally walk into work this morning and i get bombarded by Lejoyce telling me she wont work this summer. According to her she said i never mentioned 6 weeks and she said fuck that i refuse to work that.  ON TOP of that bull shit...she goes and tells MY boss Diann too!!!! and says to Di that i dont know what the fuck im doing.  So after she screams at me for 5 mins she leaves and Di comes in and tells me to fix this mess....WHAT FUCKING MESS i did not do anything wrong.....my boss is a bitter bitch.  Anyway

I go talk to Karen who tells me to tell Dora the bad news and take it from there.  Im shaking at this point cause i skipped breakfast and i feel my sugars dropping fast.  So i talk to Dora who is also pissed beyond words and tells me its not fair at all. I tell her i am sorry but i cannot hold Lejoyce to anything against her will, ic annot make her work.  I go back to Karen and tell her and Sherrie is in there too tells me that everyone in the kitchen is pissed off with me cause they think i was favoring Dora.  I'm crying at this point cause i know i feel like shit and do not want to handle this and she tells me to toughen up, fuckin bitch.

I chill out and i start getting sooo pissed off that i went back into the kitchen and let it fly. I told Lejoyce i told her everything she needed to know and to stop blaming her ignorance on me ::WOOO:: she starts yelling again and although i can feel myself getting upset, i tell her to shut up this is my turn to speak. I tell them that i was trying to do something nice for everyone and was letting Dora off first cause she asked for it. If this had worked out then i would let the others off next summer, etc we would rotate.  So i tell them Dora is off, Lejoyce will work for some weeks like it or not and i will help fill in the spots the rest of the time. Then i just left.  I went out to my car and cried for 20 mins but did not feel better. I felt like everyone was thinking i cannot handle my job when i can and i did what i was supposed to.  I do not need to deal with bipolar people who lie to make me look bad.  I was pissed beyond words, and hurt too cause i didnt know how my boss was handling this.

I went out to run a errand and came back and was Melissa and Dora called me into the kitchen to talk to me and tell me that Lejoyce was acting crazy all day and she knew what had happened and she knew that she had to work but refused to take responsibility so she put the blame on me.  I felt better knowing that they were going to defend me if Di questioned my work ethic.  I told them things will have to change and i am sorry aobut it and i do not blame them for anything at all.  I'm still in a upset mood.  I dont even want to work tomorrow.  I tested my blood when i came home and i was 40 so i was crashing all day and that explains my constant crying :cause even im not that much of a baby:  but o well let head start think what they want i dont care anymore.

All in all it was a shitty day...it is going to suck to have to deal with another year of this shit, but at least i get paid well.  I have been there for a year already and i know i can hold out one more.

In other news i went to the doctor for a check up on Monday and found out i have lost about 10 lbs since December!! I am soo happy cause i have been working hard and wanting to lose this weight. I know i was a fat ass in college and i was not dedicated to a active lifestyle.  But things have changed and i go to the gym on a regular basis. I am getting soo many compliments lately too it makes me feel better. ANd i get a lot more guys staring too!! haha my mid section is going down and i am happy. I want to lose more weight before my weddiing and i know i can but it is great to know what i have changed already! I love it!

School is going good too. I have a little over a month left. I cannot believe i have started my MPH it is a great feeling. I love it. I ready a lot during my breaks, and i work on my papers then too.  I am getting my work done and i enjoy it. its easy cause it is only one class at a time, but still soooo much work!  But it will be soo rewarding in the end.  
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