Aug 02, 2009 18:22
In small doses, being a turtle really wasn't all that bad. However, being a turtle for as long as Turtle had been was hardly a small dose, and the human part of her trapped in this shell had been about ready to crawl on out and back to having digits and thumbs and legs that would move her faster than a millimeter a minute for quite some time now.
Plus, there was all that stuff going on that she at least was able to hear about on the radio on Friday, and she couldn't do anything to help.
Plus plus, she was really getting sick of clover. Great for turtles, maybe, but not turtles that were usually human. Blech.
The water she had, though, was nice. For playing in. She did more playing in it, really, than she did drinking it. In fact, playing in it was exactly what Turtle was doing right now, sitting in the bowl and moving her little arms and legs around to make little waves and splashes and sighing a lot that this was the most exciting thing she could claim to have done this week.
[[ for the roommate first and foremost, but open after that if you want to come around! My hiatus is officially donezor! Huzzah! ]]
turtle the turtle,
room 513 is no longer british