Room 513 of International Amnesty (Title in Progress); Monday Afternoon.

Jun 30, 2008 11:52

Turtle Wexler was slightly disturbed. She had, of course, gotten the delivery left for her earlier that morning, and that was precisely the source of her current state. Very soon after receiving it, she had done what any intelligent person might have done. She'd gotten out her laptop and started doing extensive research on the plant that he had given her, to make sure that it wouldn't start showing itself to harbor ill-intent and retribution, awakening in the middle of the night to eat all of her socks or dye her green while she slept (although green would be highly preferable over pink).

And it wasn't just the suspicion of the plant that left her unsettled, either. It became very clear that the plant was harmless and, if anything, it was actually intended to improve her life rather than get her back for what she did on Thursday. And that was what it was. He had apologized, and gone out of his way to make sure the apology was a damn good one, and that was suspicious. It broke all the rules of proper pranking ettiquitte. You didn't apologize when someone pranked you back. You either tried to one-up them so that it inspired a neverending chain of pay-back, or you admitted that you were even and that was the end of it. You could apologize in general, of course, but this was not a general apology. This was a 'I am sincerely sorry for what I did and I hope you don't hold it against me' situation. You didn't do that! It was against the rules, and of course she didn't hold it against him, he was her friend and employee and, sure, she might always threaten to dock pay or take it out of their paycheck, but she never actually did it...

And then there was the whole case of one particular part of the gift. Once she'd ensured the safety of the plant and realized that trying to deconstruct Jamie's motives in breaking the rules of pranking (she reminded herself that he was probably just trying to look good, and that it wasn't really that sincere), she went onto the website of the gift certificate and just downright boggled. Yes, she understood it was to reimburse her for underwear lost in the Great Ice Block (hey, they were in Antarctica now, weren't they? Maybe she should glacierize his boxers...), but she would have really liked to know what put it in Jamie's head that this was stuff she would ever actually wear...

...although....on second thought...A lot of it was pretty practical, of course, but some...

...well... was certainly something to consider. Her head tilted, a vague sort of apprehensive fascination taking over her as she continued clicking.

[[ oh, yeah. door, post? Both open :) ]]

pranking wars, ruining your childhood, dangerous plants, room 513 is no longer british, sexy underwear tiem?, jamie, hormones? in our turtle?, ah domestic bliss!, jeff

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